Chapter 8

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-Johanna's POV-

They're back. Finally. They were able to rescue Finnick, Anchor and Peeta. Peeta instantly tried to kill Katpiss but he was unsuccessful.

Haymitch enters my hospital room.
"Johanna," he sighs and I look up at him. "We need you to talk to Finnick."

"Is he going to strangle me?" I ask, not that I would really mind at this point.

"I doubt it," Haymitch huffs. "He's completely lost it. They are still running tests but we suspect they brainwashed him into thinking he was having visits with an alive Amily."

"Well he could have been," I shrug. "No body, no proof."

Haymitch sighs and presses a button on the screen in my room. It's the games. I can see Volts passed out next to the tree and Katpiss is aiming an arrow at Amily. Peeta and Finnick look on edge.

Haymitch presses play and suddenly all four victors snap their attention to the edge of the clearing where Brutus stands with a bloody spear. The cannon I heard while running from Enobaria must have been him killing Chaff.

Finnick charges at him as Brutus throws his spear. Brutus is quickly impaled by Finnick and his cannon sounds. The camera changes angles and that's when I see it. It's just how Katpiss described it. There's Brutus' spear going straight through Amily.

"No," I mutter as she collapses on the ground. I hear Finnick screaming but then the lightning strikes and the video cuts out.

"Johanna," Haymitch sighs. "She's gone."

After an hour or two I think I've finally accepted it. Haymitch comes back in but before we leave I have a question.

"Does Annie know?" I ask. My voice is hoarse from crying.

"Yes we told her," he sighs. "She's doing alright. She has a good support system around her."

"What about Amily's parents?" I ask. "They're here in 13."

"I haven't spoken to them but they've seen the footage so I'm assuming they know," he replies.
Out of questions, I follow Haymitch to Finnick's room.

"Hey Fishboy," I sigh as I plop into a chair next to his bed. He is loopy and is frantically tying knots with a small rope he has.

He glanced up at me with his bloodshot eyes.
"Your arm," he mutters, looking shocked.

"Yup I got a nice amputation courtesy of Enobaria," I state.

"Where's Amily?" he asks.

"Dead," I state bluntly.

"No no no she's not dead," he cries, covering his ears with his hands. His fingers are bleeding from the rope.

"Finnick," I sternly state. "You saw what happened in the arena. Brutus killed her."

"No he didn't!" he replies. "I've seen the tape hundreds of times. The spear barely grazed her side. She was rescued by the capital and was treated for her wounds."

"I don't know what bullshit video you saw but that's definitely not what happened," I tell him.

"But..." he starts but I cut him off.

"Give me a minute," I state before leaving the room.

"Haymitch we need to show him the video," I sigh.

"I don't know if that's a good idea sweetheart," he sighs. "He's not mentally stable."

"He needs to see it. We can have Prim join us to sedate him if he loses it but he needs to see it," I state.

"Fine," he mutters, handing me the tape.

I walk back into Finnick's room and load the tape into the player. The screen comes to life and I sit back down next to Finnick. We watch as he kills Brutus and Amily gets impaled.

"No!" he yells. "That's not what happened. They edited the tape. The rebels are lying to you Johanna. They're all lying to you!"

Prim has to sedate him and I leave the room. The capital really fucked him up.

AN: Which side is lying? More chapters out tomorrow!

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