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: pain of school : 

(Aria's pov, *FLASHBACK*) 

I was finally in grade 7, I'm still getting constantly bullied at school. 

I try to smile and laugh it off, but it genuinely hurts. 

"Ok class, calm down" The teacher speaks. 

The classroom still continues to talk. 

"CLASS!" the teacher shouts. 

Everyone got silent and turned their focus to the teacher.

"Thank you, as I was saying we have a new student here to join us" she continues. 

Whispers started to spread around the classroom.

"I hope it's a boy" the girls giggle behind me. 

"I hope it's a girl" the boys chuckle in front of me. 

"It better not be a loser like aria" a girl says behind me laughing. 

Her friends join in. 

Of course, it was Juila and her little minions. 

I tried smiling it off. 

"What are you smiling at weirdo" Luke says looking directly at me. 

I laugh, "nothing". 

"Ok weirdo" he says twitching his nose. 

I just had to smile and laugh through the pain, yes it hurts. 

I don't know what I did to receive this much treatment.

"Ok, sweetie you may come in now" the teacher says. 

Everyone watches as a girl walks in. 

She was pretty, prettier than me. 

She had on the school uniform and looked as if she was a model. 

The oooos and wows in the class expanded quickly. 

"she's pretty hot" Luke says. 

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