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: 3 months ago :

"Come on y/n, we have to go to the airport for our last goodbyes until we meet again" bill says.

"Alright give me a sec, I'll be heading there in a 5 minutes!" I say hanging up.

My outfit was pretty simple, todays the day of their flight. My bestfriends.

I'm rushing to brush my teeth and hair at the same time, I only had on one sock.

I finally got done with everything I needed to, I grabbed my keys and walked out the door.

I leave my apartment door and walk down the stairs to the parking lot.

I get in my car putting on my seatbelt, i insert my key turning on the engine. Starting the car.

I put my car in reverse to get out of the little parking spot I was in then into drive.

I drove to the airport on a empty stomach.

I finally made it, they were leaving in 2 minutes. I jumped out my car running into the airport. I looked everywhere for the gate until I spotted them and jumped onto gustav arms.

"OH MY GOSH GUSTAV IM GOING TO MISS YOUU" i say swinging him around, "y/n.. I can't breathe" he trys to say.

I let go, I moved onto georg giving him a hug as well. "I'm going to miss you as well" i say. "I'm going to miss you too" he says gifting me a hug as well.

I move on to the twins, I open my arms "come on".

They smile and give me a hug, "you both are getting so tall, I'm going to miss you both as well. My favorite twins" i say pretending to cry.

"We'll be back in a couple months" bill says.

"2 months is so longgggg" I say.

They all laughed, "GATE 64" the speaker said.

They were calling them.

"Just one more hug" i frown.

They all brought me into a group hug, "be safe guys, I love you all" I wave at them as they walk away.

Now that they were gone, I was going to be bored for 2 months. They weren't my only friends, my bestfriend aria is usually working.

We are suppose to be going out together some time this week.

I walk out the airport and back to my car.


I moved more pillows towards me, I was laying on the couch watching horror movies.

take my hand, give it a chanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora