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I've been sensing a disturbance around south-east Asia for a while now.

It's growing stronger, and it's not one I like.

I push through the depths of the South China sea - not too far from my destination: Cambodia. Something is there, and I'm not sure I like what that something is.

Roughly, I'm pushed aside by some sort of wake. It's a cruise ship, speeding over the ocean. My head breaks the surface, arcing up and out of the water like an orca whale following a boat.

A series of gasps sounds from the ship's deck as I rear above the surface, casting a sidelong glance at the humans on the ship. They're pointing at me, shouting and waving. I suppose it's not every day you see a very large lizard swimming alongside your boat.

I dive back into the water, splashing the ship as my tail slaps on the surface. I swim just beneath the waves, my silhouette like a shadow, flitting through the water.

"Where is she going?"
"She's moving fast!"
"Do you think she's looking for something?"

I hear the urgent, whispered theories from the humans on the ship. I definitely am looking for something, moving fast and going somewhere.

I just hope my growing suspicion is wrong.

A few hours pass, and I'm in the Gulf of Thailand, veering towards the Cambodian coastline and pushing fishing boats out of the way as I swim on the surface, like a crocodile.

Screams echo all around me when I begin wading through the shallow bay, water rolling off my scales like duck feathers. I walk over the beach, trying my best not to step on any humans. The strange presence only grows stronger as I head inland. After an hour or two, there are aircrafts whirring around my head, voices coming from the people inside.

"Breaking news: Titanus Kria appears in Cambodia, scattering beachgoers!"

I growl, raising a paw and nudging one of the aircrafts away that is too close to my face. I catch sight of an expansive set of buildings along the coast, with a towering sign that reads,


I let out a roar and charge towards the facility. The disturbance is coming from there.

I reach the facility, flattening a few buildings with the first few footsteps. Sirens wail over the facility, and human voices echo from the aircrafts hovering over me.

"In new reports, Kria has begun attacking the Apex Cybernetics facility in Moat Peam, Cambodia!"

I rear on my hindlegs, opening my jaws as the ice beam shoots out. It blasts a few buildings to pieces, crumbling them into dust. I wade through the debris and rubble, snarling with my head low to the ground - like a hunting dog on the trail of a downed hare.

There it is.

It's a huge skull - the size of mine.

A dragon's skull.

It is His.

The skull of Ghidorah.

I let out a deafening screech and slam one paw down on the skull, flattening it. A few humans yell out in horror, and begin firing their strange, very loud sticks at me. Bullets fly at my scales, but they feel like thorn-pricks. I sweep them aside with one paw and turn away, heading back towards the sea.

"The Apex facility is flattened, and a Titan skull was unearthed by Titanus Kria - no doubt, one of the many skulls of the famed Monster Zero, defeated by Godzilla in 2019. Why does Apex Cybernetics have one of these skulls? Tune in to find out with our special guest, Bernie Hayes at 9."

Defeated by Godzilla in 2019.

But, I hear, that he was revived in the form of a mechanised Godzilla - by none other than Apex Cybernetics.

It looks like my suspicion that Apex was meddling with forces beyond their comprehension, was right. Daring to assemble a body for the purest form of Evil that this Earth has laid eyes on.
I cannot allow Him to be reborn.
I must destroy every last trace of Him.
Because as long as there is one skull,
He is forever.

Titanus Kria (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now