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I'm swimming in the Pacific, not far from the Gulf of California. Again, the sounds of the sea rattle my old bones, stirring energy inside of me. I have been defeated once by Godzilla - but triumphed against Amhuluk, a Titan under his control. I let out a snarl, sending enormous bubbles to the choppy Pacific surface. My head appears above the grey water, eyes glowing in the night. I veer towards America, sights set on a narrow gulf. I duck beneath the water's heaving surface, my tail swishing like a crocodile's, my legs tucked against my underbelly.
Rumbles reverberate off my scales, hissing and chattering around the currents. They bubble around me, snaking into my ears and burrowing in my bones. I think I know who this is. The squid-like Titan, a crustacean called Scylla. She was troublesome during my reign. I wonder if she will be nowadays.
Who rides against Godzilla now? Rodan, perhaps, the Fire Demon? Is Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Devil still around?
No, I tell myself. I'd know if Ghidorah was marching around my Earth.

I've reached the gulf. I swim along the coastline, my ridged back breaking the surface. My broad head peeks up, and I feel my paw land on soft sand. I blink, relishing the cushioning feel. The beach is deserted - it's the middle of the night, after all. My claws dig into the sand as I stride up to the beach, staring around for signs of Scylla. Would she attack? Maybe she'd recognise me. I could do with a friendly face. There used to be people in the Hollow Earth, where I lived. They were kind. But not these humans. They are different. They capture Titans, believing they harness the gods of this world and the world below it. Arrogant they were, arrogant they are.
A hiss breaks my thoughts. I look sharply ahead, and my muscles tense. Scylla, her tentacles waving and mandibles chattering, is scuttling towards me. I flex my claws. Surely, she wouldn't fight me. Not after all these millennia.
I am wrong.
Scylla charges me. I'm caught off guard, and I stumble a bit. But I remember - Scylla is lighter than me or Godzilla. Or even Amhuluk. I open my jaws in a roar, and I lunge. Scylla backs up and my jaws snap shut, only to catch one of her tentacles, I rip several of them out from her face, and she screeches. I wonder if Godzilla will come rushing in to save his subject.
I raise a paw and swipe, a heavy, swinging blow. It slams into Scylla, and she collapses under its weight. I bare my jagged, sharp teeth and growl. My own noise rolls through my throat, and I blow frost through my nose. Scylla flinches back from it.
The squid-Titan backs away. She turns, scuttling away towards a barren desert. I hold my head high. That's one Titan who recognises me as not a new Titan, wet behind my ears, but an ancient queen, ready to reclaim a world that used to be mine.

I wasn't vicious all the time. I loved my planet, you know. It was mine. Like a precious hatchling, resting on my back. I had hatchlings of my own once. They were precious to me as my Earth. The Devil With Three Heads destroyed them, as the first thing he did when he fell from the stars. I am sorry I could not wake for the moment he was brought down, for I would have relished the feeling of plucking each scale from his body, slicing each horn, freezing his heart until he lies still.
But they are gone. My little ones are gone, and they will not return. But my Earth is still here. And that, I will protect with my life.

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