A Rematch

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It has been days since the encounter with Amhuluk - the blue Titan. And Godzilla.

I have been searching for Godzilla. My muscles are loose and fresh, and I am hungry for a fight.

I swim through a choppy, roaring sea, my head just peeking through the surface. As I swim, I hear many familiar sounds. I recognise them. Mosura, Rodan, Methuselah, Scylla. I can even hear Kong, hidden away in the depths of the Hollow Earth.
I continue my journey, determined to find Godzilla. I will make him bow.
I hear Godzilla. He's close. I keep swimming, my eyes narrowed. Godzilla has stolen my throne, and I will take it back. As I swim, I notice a dark shape. It's one of those containment buildings. I approach it, giving it a wide berth and staring into the wall of clear ice. There are humans inside. They're looking past me.
I swing around to see Godzilla himself, charging towards me. I meet his attack with my jaws, clamping down on his neck. I shake the huge Titan as he claws furiously at my scales. I shove him out of the water, then back in. I let go.
Godzilla slashes at my face with sharp claws. I dart underneath his belly and push Godzilla up to the surface again, slamming one huge paw into his torso. He's winded.
Godzilla retaliates with a fierce bite to my throat, dragging me upwards and forwards.
I claw, bite and slap Godzilla as he pulls me to...
A beach?
I stand up, relieved that Godzilla has let go. I lunge for the Titan, sending him staggering back with a heavy blow to his head. People are scattering around us.
I lunge again, clamping my jaws around Godzilla's neck and slamming him to the ground.
For the second time, I feel ice breath rising in my throat. I rear on my hind legs and pin Godzilla with both front paws. It's difficult. Godzilla is still much stronger than I remember.
Soon, the ice beam fires. Godzilla gets up just in time, but he is sent reeling by the impact of the ice. He shrieks. I think it hurts.
I leap at him again, claws outstretched. I see his dorsal plates glowing and his jaws opening. The burning atomic ray fires from his mouth. I retaliate with an ice beam.
Both beams clash, fighting unimaginable heat with unbearable cold.
I take a few steps forwards, bearing down on Godzilla. I rear up on my hind legs, the ice beam shooting through atomic ray and slamming Godzilla straight in his face. He stumbles and falls.
I stop. I've won this fight. But this is not the last. Godzilla is on his feet in moments.
I snort and turn away, padding slowly into the sea.

I still have the marks of Godzilla's teeth on my throat. They're bleeding. It hurts.
I'm back in Antarctica. Away from Godzilla, for now.
I limp through a haze of snow and hail. I can hear the whir of aircraft propellers trailing me like a kestrel hovering above its prey.
I lash my tail. I don't want them here. They have no business with me. They don't leave. They keep following me.
I stand up, reaching their height. They scatter. I continue to walk normally, my rough scale frosting over. I curl up against a blackened stone mountain, snow rolling from its peak. I rest my head on both front paws.
The bite on my throat hurts again.
It's bleeding, staining the white snow crimson.
Have I begun an eternal war, or just a few petty skirmishes?
Perhaps peace can be achieved.
Mosura and Godzilla did it. They rule together.
Perhaps, so can I.

Titanus Kria (WIP)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ