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I'm no longer swimming, for the moment. I have decided to look around one of my favourite places. It is different now, but I know it well. I speak of the Yunnan Rainforest in China, where I met a friend of mine. Mosura, the moth Titaness. I hear she is known as the Queen of the Monsters, ruling beside Godzilla.
I stride through the rainforest, a low purr rumbling in my throat as I take comfort in the towering canopy, just above my head, and the warm sun dotting my scales. The humidity is a welcome change from the freezing, dry cold of Antarctica.
I feel the leaves and grass beneath my paws, and the soft, furred trunks of enormous jungle trees brushing my skin. I used to bring my hatchlings through this forest, and show them the people here. The people here now are those of Monarch, the Titan-capturers.
A voice yells through the rainforest.
It's a human voice.
I stiffen, staring down at my paws. There's a woman standing at my claw, gazing up at me. Her eyes are wide, her expression awed. I step back, narrowing my eyes. Several more humans run into my clearing, gasping.
"There she is. That's Kria. She broke out of her containment - she's fighting Godzilla."
One of the humans speaks. I give a growl, a warning. If they are planning to capture me, they'd better re-

An explosion against me.
Searing pain.
Loud bangs, and flashes, human voices yelling.
"Get the nets! She's hostile, we have to contain her!"
I scream, rearing up on my hindlegs as human aircrafts hover around me. Gunshots blast against my skin, searing the scales. I roar in pain, dropping to all fours. I feel thick metal filaments lashing around my limbs and body, their hooks gripping my skin and holding me fast. I lash my tail, and open my jaws. My throat cools, and icy breath roars from my mouth, leaving frost on my teeth and my tongue numb. I turn as best I can, completely freezing one aircraft and blasting another to pieces. More metal wires wrap around my limbs. One yanks my foreleg out of place, and I stagger. I fall to the ground, shrieking. My ice breath fades, and I snap my jaws at the aircrafts. A wire tightens around my neck, and I cry out. The grip loosens, but it hurts, right over Godzilla's bitemark. I writhe and try to twist my legs out of the wires, but nothing snaps or loosens. How have I already got myself into such a mess?
I clamp my jaws shut tight, glaring at the group of humans, who now are sitting comfortably in one of the aircrafts. A rumble rises in my throat. Do I really have to do this?
I open my mouth. I let out a shriek, a long, wailing sound that carries over the entire forest.
I remember long ago. A memory of Godzilla, when there were many more Kongs in the Hollow Earth. I was young, small and weak, cornered by one of the Kongs. Next thing I knew, it was a blinding blue light, and Godzilla was looking at me, his eyes gentle.

Would he do that again, even after all this?

My shriek continues. The wire around my neck tightens, and I cough, the screech fading. I gasp for breath. I would rather die at the claws of He Who Is Many rather than choked by human contraptions.
A roar.
I recognise that sound. I would anywhere. Who wouldn't?
Godzilla charges towards me, screeching, tail lashing. He swats two aircrafts out of the sky, and dares the others to come any closer. I open my mouth and the ice beam screams out, destroying two of the crafts. Frozen bodies fall from the wreckage, shattering against rocks. Godzilla roars again, and grabs part of the network of wires. He yanks back, and a hole forms. I give a reluctant but grateful chirp, trying to work against them myself. Godzilla snaps another few, and my limbs are free. I get to my paws, and drag the remaining filament off my back as if I'm scratching an itch. I stare at Godzilla, hearing the retreating aircrafts. The lizard Titan dips his head briefly. I do the same.
Can we rule the Earth, alongside each other? In peace?
Perhaps, we can.

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