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As I swim through the sea, I listen. I listen to the water.
When I was queen, I would listen to the sea. I would hear the crumbling of ancient rocky formations, collapsing under the weight of old age, the gentle or strong whooshing as waves lapped against the shores and seastacks. I'd listen to the roaring of choppy seas, lashing at its own surface and creating great whirlpools. I would listen to the snores or breathing of the other Titans. I could hear everything.

I still can. I push through the water, swimming past shimmering shoals of fish and pods of whales. It's refreshing to be back.
My muscles begin to loosen as they gently work against the sea's currents. I swim up in an arc, emerging from the water. I splash onto a nearby beach, the fine grains of sand scraping against my scales. I look at my surrounds. I see dense forests. Enormous, towering trees that just come short of my height. I take a step forwards and feel thick water lap against my paw. It's muddy, but I can tell it's healthy. Unhealthy water feels dusty, with sorts of particles floating in it.
I keep walking, water still dripping from my scales. My tail drags through the forest, parting huge leaves. I pause for a moment.
I can feel something. Another Titan.
It lumbers in my direction. I don't think it's angry. I recognise this heartbeat. This breathing pattern.

Behemoth approaches me, his tusks almost dragging on the canopy. He stares. He's confused.
I haven't seen him in thousands of years. He used to bow to me, but now he obeys Godzilla.
I shake my head. I am in his home. I do not have a place on this planet - yet. I swing my head away and pad through the thick forest, feeling the muddy river water wash in between my scales. I feel tiny, tiny fish brushing against me. I can feel the roots of trees under my claws.

I'm swimming again. I haven't left the water for a long time. I haven't run into any other Titans.
I push through a huge abyss of water, where it's nothing but blue void. It's peaceful here. I like it. I keep swimming, wondering if I'll find land again. The land has split since I was last here. It's broken in pieces. Things are not where I remember them to be.
Behemoth lives nearer Antarctica now. What about Godzilla? Where is he? Where does he rest?
I ignore my thoughts and continue to swim, my claws brushing still sand as I dive deeper and deeper. I close my eyes.
I hear a rumbling. It echoes through the water and rattles my bones. It's not happy. But I don't recognise this one. It is unfamiliar.
I don't like the presence of intruders. It unsettles me. I continue to swim, following the currents of sound. The rumbles wrap themselves around my bones. They're getting louder.
A crash.
I feel a weight slam into me from above. I feel claws grip my front legs and teeth clamp around my withers. I thrash my tail and snap my jaws, but something is latched on to me and I cannot free myself. I see a dark blue body, made of trees and roots writhing in together, tangled up to make a solid body. I feel claws slice my skin.
Forcing my head up, the weight is dislodged. It jerks its arms back and I am able to face this creature.
It has a sharp chin, its roots frayed. Its eyes are white and blank.
The Titan has a body a little bit like humans, just hunched with long arms. Its face is quite flat.

I lunge forward at the attacker, claws outstretched. I clutch onto the Titan's shoulders and thrust it out of the water, rising myself. I stumble onto dry land, tossing the creature away from me. It faces me once again, letting out a high, brittle screech. I gallop towards it, swinging my paw straight into its face. The blow sends the creature reeling, landing in a crumpled heap. I stalk over to it. It regains composure, leaping at me. I rear up on my hind legs and counter his attack with outstretched claws. I grip  him by the neck and lift the Titan into the air. His limbs flail everywhere, but I lunge forward with open jaws, clamping them over his torso. Letting go with my paws, I slam him into the ground, held firm between both jaws. I pin him with one paw, a growl rumbling in my throat. He stares at me.

A shriek. The Titan scrambling to his feet.
I turn around.
He stares at both the strange Titan and me. I take a step forward.
Godzilla snorts, lashing his tail. The dark blue Titan leans into a bow.
I stand staunchly upright, staring Godzilla dead in the eye.
I see his dorsal plates glow blue. His eyes shine with irritation. Low pulses sound from him, but no atomic ray fires from his mouth. The blue light pulses. It illuminates my gaze, dazzling me. I back away, blinded for a moment.
I realise.
He wants me to bow.
Indignation surges through my scales in waves as I lean down, my tail high. I curl my head in. I refuse to look at Godzilla. I curl my claws into the earth.

I cannot stand this anymore. I refuse to bow to a Titan I once ruled.

I will own this Earth again.

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