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It had been months, nearly a year since the newest Titan was discovered: Titanus Kria. She slept soon after her dramatic awakening, giving Monarch the time to build a temporary facility for Kria. However, she's showing signs of waking up...

A noisy hum interrupts my slumber.
I place one paw on the ground. I feel something cold, hard and smooth. It isn't stone. Not anything I know. A buzz sounds from around me. I feel a flash of blue light before my closed eyes. What is that?
I give a grumble, and the place I'm in falls silent. No sound. No howling winds, no splintering hail on my scales. Where am I?
I half-open my eyes. Then I open them.
I see a wall of translucent blue light encircling me. I see railings made of the same hard stuff I'm laying on. I see...
People. I haven't seen them since the Bronze Age. What are they doing with such advanced technology? I place both front paws firmly on the smooth stuff and sit up. There's not enough room for me to stand.
Why are they looking at me like that?
I bare my teeth and they raise these black sticks, their ends crackling with blue electricity. I recoil, and scrape at the ground. The noise is ear-splitting, so I stop and back up. I bump into that blue wall of light.
Behind a shiny, clear wall of - is that ice? Hard water? I can see humans in white cloths, staring at me with bright eyes. One of them puts their hand up to the ice wall.
I snort and lash my tail. I growl. The humans just outside the blue light raise their electric sticks again. I lower my head like a rhino ready to charge. I ram my head against the wall. It hurts, but I do it again. The humans start yelling, pointing at archways and raising electric sticks. I hear a noise, like ice shattering. I look at the wall. Part of it is broken, and I reach out a paw. Searing pain jolts through it and I pull it back. Snarling with rage, I ran into the wall again. This time, it really shatters. I slam one paw down, crushing two of the armed humans. The white-cloth people scatter as I charge out through the outer wall. The hard stuff clatters down, settling in the snow around me. I open my jaws and give a roar, calling out to my old domain.

Finally, I've come home...but what is that? That blue glow in the distance? And why is it growling at me?

Titanus Kria (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now