The First Battle

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The blue glow gets closer. And closer.
I take a defensive stance, my muscles stiff from five thousand years of hibernation. I rear my head, baring jagged teeth. I lash my tail, ready for a fight.

A large creature lumbers onto the land. It's surrounded by blue light, pulsing around it. A growl echoes into the ground, sending shivers through my bones. I feel the ground. I feel the other Titan.
It comes closer, and I make out a face through the blizzard. Its mouth full of sharp teeth, the jagged dorsal plates, the long tail...
I recognise him.

Godzilla charges towards me, his dark orange eyes shining with rage. I stamp my front paws and lope towards him, rearing up to meet his impact. A shockwave ripples through the snow as I shove Godzilla away. I swing a heavy blow at him, sending him staggering back. He's surprised.
I give a snort before leaping at him again, clawing at the thick hide on his chest and then delivering another hefty strike to his shoulder.
Godzilla retaliates with a slash of claws to the side of my neck, and a slap to the top of my head. I rear up on my hind legs, outstretching my claws and growling at Godzilla.
Why is he attacking me, anyway? I'm queen around here. He needs to be taught a lesson.

I lunge with my jaws open wide, clamping down on Godzilla's neck. I toss him into the snow, opening my jaws again. My mouth cools as I feel my ice breath roaring up my throat. But before I can fire, I feel an agonising burn crash into my torso. I see Godzilla, mouth open, with some kind of atomic ray roaring from his mouth. I stagger back, falling on my side. Godzilla looms over me, stamping his foot on my shoulder. I cry out with indignation, slapping Godzilla away. He recoils but leans back in, snarling. He readjusts his position so he's leaning on the burn mark, from the atomic ray. Pain shoots like lightning through my body, and I lay my head on the snow. Defeated, for the first time in five thousand years.

I understand now. I'm no longer the queen. Godzilla is king now.

I feel the burning pain subside. I sit up. Godzilla has gone. My muscles ache. I haven't fought for so long.

I turn around to the broken remains of my prison, and narrow my eyes. There are people there, watching me. What are they doing? What are they saying? I lean in closer to them. They smell different to how humans used to smell, back when they used stone tools. Now, they harness electricity and capture Titans.
I turn away, dragging myself to the icy water. I place one paw in the water, revelling in the refreshing cold. I slowly move into the icy sea, dipping my head under the surface. Dragging my paws through the water, I propel myself into the deep water, swimming down into the freezing depths.

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