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Sometimes, I realise this: not every human is arrogant and selfish. Some of them care. It is always a treat to see a human caring for those around them, and their environment. Helping us with our jobs.

It is strange that some Titans do not do much of their part.

I'm close to Isla de Mara, and I can feel Rodan, the winged demon of fire. He fought on the side of the One Who Is Many - since, he has wisely submitted to Godzilla when he defeated the False King.
I sense Rodan stirring. He is restless, almost dying for excitement. What would that mean? Simply an aerial trip around his island for the sake of it, or destruction? You see, you can never tell with him. It was extremely frustrating, as I remember.
But today, he has decided upon the more...unsavoury option.

I push myself harder through the water, swiftly cutting through the blue. Great white sharks gather around me, drinking in the warmth I bring to the water. I feel their rough skin brush against my scales, and see their sleek, strong bodies dart after fish.
A loud screech breaks the quiet.
My head breaks the surface, and I wade up through the shallows to the beach of Isla de Mara. Humans are panicking, Monarch helicopters landing and ushering citizens in. I open my mouth and let out a roar. A beak peers over the volcano's crater, then a pterosaur-head, body and enormous wings. Rodan's talons grip the edge, and he screeches in challenge. His wings spread in a threatening display.
I rear up on to my hindlegs, splaying my claws and shrieking. Rodan beats his wings. He aims to destroy these humans - but they are not the villains in this situation. Rodan destroys for the sake of destruction, not for balance like I or Godzilla, for instance.
I charge over the sandy beach, careful to avoid the stream of humans rushing into various aircrafts. I slam both forepaws into the ground, and Rodan takes to the air. I steady myself, bracing for the enormous impact. Rodan tears through the hot air towards me, and I raise one paw. I bat him aside, but he rolls away from my strike and dives again, scoring his talons over the back of my neck and dragging me sideways a few hundred feet. I breach upwards, jaws snapping, but again - the damned pterosaur is too quick.
I, again, let out a screech of frustration as Rodan continues to land annoyingly accurate attacks on difficult-to-reach places. The base of my tail, the back of my neck.
I draw my head back and open my jaws. The freezing bolt of ice and frost roars from my throat, and I draw it through the sky, chasing him with a beam of ice. If I hit him, he will be incapacitated for a while - it turns out, molten magma and ice do not mix very well.
I snap my jaws shut, and the ice beam dies away. Rodan wheels around, beating his enormous, lava-soaked wings, and turns to face me. His shriek rings out over Isla de Mara, and through my sharp hearing I hear the gasps of humans in aircrafts as they swerve to avoid my head as I rear up on to my hindlegs. I watch as the fire demon glides at supersonic speeds towards me.
He is unlucky this time.
Rodan climbs into the air, wings making great swooshing sounds, blowing hot air up my nose and into my eyes. I blink excessively, trying to rid myself of the burning wake. I reach out with one paw, claws outstretched, and they graze Rodan's ankle. An idea springs in my head.
I reach out again, with my other paw, and manage to grab hold of one of Rodan's legs. I drag him towards me, clamping my jaws over one wing. I let go almost immediately; the scorching lava coursing through the fire demon's veins burns my mouth. I gag and cough, and slam Rodan into the ground. I draw my head back once again, and the beam of frost soothes my scorched mouth. It misses Rodan by a few metres.
The beam dies away. I do not pin him to the ground. He is already downed, and has paid his price. I give a snort. Rodan reluctantly gets to his feet, beating his wings and grunting with pain when he moves the one I bit. It seems, though I recoiled, I did a little damage.
I turn around. The Monarch aircrafts are gone - and much of Isla de Mara is flattened from Rodan's cyclonic drift stream, that leaves behind vicious winds in the wake of his beating wings. I slowly disappear into the gulf, grateful for the water's soothing touch on the burnt wounds that Rodan's talons scored over my thick scales. I open my mouth slightly, letting the cool saltwater flow over the scorch-marks on my tongue.

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