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They say you can predict the worst outcome before it happens.
They say intuitive people can feel that coming.
They say that when something is wrong you can feel it in the air.

They didn't lie, because sure enough, my bones are filled with tension, I just arrived back in Florida, and sure as fuck the anxiety or whatever it is that's prickling its way through my body isn't because I'm back to my childhood country.

It's because of something else, something worse.

I dial Aurelia again, it goes to voicemail, Jesus Christ, this is the third time I do so, worry starts itching through my body, she's fine, she's with her family.

Speaking of family, my finger hovers over Dylan's number that I never fucking called before, it rings twice before his familiar voice meets my ears, "Elias." He says in an almost welcoming tone which is shocking.

But it's not time for the said shock, my fingers tighten around through the phone, "Tell me that your sister is asleep." I let out under my breath, sickening possibilities clouding my mind further.

I normally wasn't this much of an overthinker, but right now I'm starting to feel Aurelia's struggle with it, "No? I'm not in the house." He protests lightly, sounding slightly confused, fuck.

I pinch my eyes momentarily, maybe she's indeed asleep, Yeah, of course, I shut out the voice in my head and focus on Dylan, "I'm in Florida." I state firstly, "What?" He gaps, sounding shocked.

"That's not the point right now." I insist to distract him from his sudden shock, we don't have time for that, "What is?" He asks, "Your sister, she's not answering her calls, and well, Aurelia doesn't leave her phone nowadays, I'm fucking worried." I admit.

Feeling my stomach dropping at the possibilities, that are mostly unrealistic but my mind is enjoying my suffer right now, he pauses for a moment, "Where are you?" He asks.

"I just got out of the airport." I state, he sighs, "I'll come to pick you up and then we'll go back to the house, I'll call Mom and see if she knows anything." He assures and I nod even though he can't fucking see me.

We end the call moments later and I'm left with my racing thoughts, this is unlike the calm and quiet silence I've always lived in, but maybe I've always known that Aurelia would be the only loud thing in my life, the only thing that's different than the routine.

The only person that gives my life meaning maybe, this is too far, No? Even my thoughts are becoming dramatic, she's really rubbing off on me.

*: ❦ *:

"What the fuck did you just say, Mom?" Dylan yells, angry and raging with fire as he stares at the said mom, their mother is a middle-aged woman, tall and thin, and wrinkles fill her sharp face.

She's the opposite of Aurelia, quite literally, maybe the only thing they share is their blonde hair, but this woman is just appalling, she's not like
My Aurelia, nothing like her.

Her eyes linger on me for a beat before they snap back to her angry son, "He's the boyfriend, isn't he?" She snarls, her lips twitching in disgust, "What are you talking about?" He snarls and the urge to reply to her is spiking but I bite my tongue.

"I locked her up, she deserves to be punished." The moment she utters those words I feel rage boiling through my body, I glare, "Is she in fucking high school?" I reply, no longer able to shut up.

Not even for Dylan's sake.

"You don't know anything about that girl, she deserves more than this shit." The way she's talking about her makes my anger spike, but Dylan's Movements stop my thoughts as he sidesteps his mother and disappears into a hallway.

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