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I pull the trigger and shoot, the rock darts down, falling miserably, I walk towards it and place it again, then shoot it, it doesn't feel as good as the first time.

This is how addicts feel. It's almost impossible to recreate the first high, but they keep chasing it anyway, I should've known better than to run after an imaginary high.

Earlier this morning, I had to finally set things straight with Aurelia, Dylan's sister, I don't like the reminder but I have to remember it every now and then to not let my thoughts drive me into oblivion.

I don't normally attend shooting sessions anymore, but I needed something to get my mind off a lot of stuff, a fucking lot, but the reminder still lingered at the back of my head like a sharp knife.

Today is my mother's ninth Anniversary since she died, or better yet, since she killed herself, the story was twisted, and no one actually knew it except for her son, as in, me, people hinted here and there but no one had the balls to say it flat out in my fucking face.

They knew better than to push my buttons, and people said that maybe I remember it vividly, a haze since I was so young, Thing is, the image is still clear in my mind, it sometimes wakes me up at night, I'd stare at the wall for so long.

Remembering every single detail, the blood, the note she left, the words she spoke, the man she told me about in those goddam notes, the man she cheated on my father with, he's also the reason behind her suicide, it's fucked up and even though—
"Elias." My father's rough voice meets my ears, I clench my jaw and continue shooting, he walks towards me, hands in pockets, harsh eyes piercing mine.

"This won't fucking distract you." He insists and I grit my teeth, anger spiking, "Just shut up." I retort roughly, my voice no longer calm which is unlike me, but Gabriel has this way with me, his presence itself brings rage rushing through my body.

"Did you inform Veronica about the event?" He asks, I drop the gun, then turn in his direction, my eyes take in the perfectly tailored suit, his tousled hair, and his strict features, "No, I'm not taking Veronica." I state like the Decision is already made.

And the problem is, The decision is all In the hands of a tall blonde with major anger issues, Aurelia is aware that she's the only one who'll either accept this or reject it, however. The thing is.

I didn't make it clear that she had a choice, but if she rejected the offer I wasn't going to push her, I knew she had boundaries and while I loved to push her buttons, I knew I had limits, just like she had hers.

Which is one of the main reasons why I tried to brush off what I saw a week ago at the bar she worked at, I'm almost certain that she was throwing up, I didn't exactly have a lot in mind, but the expression on her face hinted on another story.

She was scared like it was something I shouldn't have seen, which brought me to some kind of assumption, Aurelia was forcing herself to throw up, why? Yeah, things like that weren't entirely logical, they're mostly driven by emotions.

Lots of them, and she definitely seemed like that type of person, I didn't exactly understand what was going on, so I searched about it, barely slept that night if I remember correctly,

An eating disorder.

If I connected the dots accurately, which I'm sure I did, but the possibility of missing is always there even if sometimes I tried to deny it, then Aurelia had a type of it, called Bulimia.

People eat food normally or even excessively, then force themselves to throw it up, probably to save the calories, but still, that night, Aurelia dazzled away so suddenly like she had no control over herself.

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