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"Wow." I breathe out as Elias steps inside, holding the dress for me, "It's so beautiful." I whisper in awe as I approach him,

Dylan is still away, but he'll be back tomorrow to start studying for our finals, so either way, he'll know about this after it already happened whether it's from the news or from me.

We have about four hours till the event starts, Elias explained to me earlier that they're opening a new company, which is why they're celebrating,

Elias's eyes glisten as he looks down at me, I take the dress from him, the baby blue contrasting well with my blonde hair,

"Be right back, go wear your goddamn suit, Elias, 'cause I'll need an anxiety relief talk before we go so you better be dressed while we do it." He smiles at my words, it's the first time I gruffly flat-out order him like that, it spreads a victorious feeling through my body.

Seconds later, he leaves my room and goes to the other guest bedroom in Dylan's apartment, I sigh and shut the door behind him, grabbing the dress in my hand as I study it.

It's stunning, the silk fancy material slips from between my fingers as I slowly start undressing, making a promise to myself that I won't place any negative thoughts in my mind at the moment.

I look beautiful, I repeat the mantra in my head as I start slipping the dress over my body, it fits perfectly, molding against my body like it's made just for me, okay that was dramatic but I'm having my moment right now.

I smile in victory as I watch myself in the mirror, even though the said mirror is my enemy most of the time, right now, I like how I look, i love it, my smile widens as I grab my hair straightener and start working on my dead hair.

The dry flaky blonde strands straighten as the heat meets them, few minutes pass, and when I check my phone, I find that about an hour has passed, I sigh and move on to my makeup.

Placing some blush on my round cheeks, and mascara to enhance the green of my eyes, I find some lipgloss and put it too, it shimmers beneath the light and I stand up abruptly.

Studying myself for one last moment before I slip outside, heartbeats thumping in my ears for some reason, I release a shaky breath and ignore my anxiety as I walk out of the living room.

Elias is sitting, legs crossed at the ankles, but he slowly notices my presence as his eyes snap in my direction, he stands up, and my chest flutters, he strides with ease and confidence, his slicked stylish hair perfectly tousled, the black expensive tux tightens around his developed physique, biceps, muscular tall thighs,

He put in an effort tonight, looking representable for his father's Event, lethally attractive, I couldn't deny that I found him beautiful even if I tried to, his dark composing demeanor was one that made heat flush through my body.

His stormy dark eyes meet mine as I crane my neck when he stands so close, too close, his scent hits my nostrils, damn his scent, he smells sweet and bitter at the same time, pain and pleasure.

"Beautiful." I don't know if his voice or the word itself sends shivers running down my spine, goosebumps all over my skin, "You look—great." I force out, feeling my cheeks reddening.

"Only great?" He arches a brow, arrogance dripping from his voice, I roll my eyes but a smile finds its way across my lips, "You know that you look handsome shut up." I tease playfully.

"You look gorgeous, Sweetheart, you are." He whispers, my lips slightly part before I clear my throat, this is too intense, I almost can't breathe normally,

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