Chapter 29

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[I didn't knew I would continue this again! But damn baby, i am back again! I hope you all are doing great! Anyways I am back on Wattpad! Now look look! took most of my time! That shit is too addictive! This was a short chapter but I forgot most of the story so let me just read it again and Next update will be a longer chapter than this one]

The Night was silent, too silent as sound of the footsteps was lightly heard. The person slowly made his to the room as he saw the boy laying on the bed unconscious. After making sure noone is around. He slowly made his way to the his bed and Started injecting something in the Drip solution.

The next morning came with same thing happening all over again.
Jungkook sighed as he came in the room to see the four sleeping painfully uncomfortable on the chairs there and wonwoo still Unconscious "Jake why haven't he waken up yet! If i remember he just got cut on his knee and the previous cuts on his wrist from himself! He should be awake yet! Don't you think or am I missing something" the male said looking at the boy in the doctor's coat.

"Well! It's strange and we checked his body too! There's no leget signs of any foreign substance or anything! He's fine but he's just not waking up" Jake said now hands in his pocket sighing.

"What the fuck you mean he's not waking up!? You know You have to report every thing right! Then why is his matter not reported yet?" Jungkook was about to lash out but was stopped by Jhope from behind "Calm down"

"I am sorry! But there are times when people used to take long times to wake up at our company too! So we thought it's one of those cases! But no problem we will do his check up Again!" Jake bowed a little.

"anyways what's the other four doing!?" Jungkook looked at Hoseok "Nothing! Just in the rooms they are assigned to! They were sleeping painfully uncomfortable here last night So scoups and others shift them to their room!"

Jungkook nodded "I am glad he got So many great friends even if his own family wasn't there" there was a peaceful smile on his face as he softly caress his cheek "What about aunt?" He added "She's currently hanging out with your dad! They have a lot to catch on with!" Jhope mumbled looking out of the window "And currently most of the people here at the company are just looking for Samuel and Seungkwan"  he added mindlessly!

[I still cringe at the fact that I used self harm here just mindlessly that time! I just turned 16 when I started writing this and i am 17.5 now! So much changed in just one year lol! And i have definately cringe at whatever stuffs I have done! And using topics like self harming mindlessly was one of them! Anyways Peace! Have a great day/ night/ evening! Bye bye]

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