Chapter 27

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Seungkwan stood there shaking in fear as the man in front of him chuckled "hello you must be Vernon's boyfriend right? How cute" he said as he roughly grabbed his face probably leaving marks on it.

The first thing he saw when he woke up was a creepy man smiling at him.
"W-who are you? What do you want? how do you know Vernon?" Seungkwan asked making the latter laugh "oh well i want to play something" the man said ignoring the male who was shaking in front of him

"Do you like hide and seek, let's play it" the male grabbed seungkwan's hands like a child smiling and laughing.

"You are a psychopath leave me" seungkwan said as the man eye's darkened.

He punched seungkwan as the latter lost his balance and fell on the floor "The rules are simple if i catch you, your one friend will die, and don't worry first I will have your boyfriend and his friend under my control then we will begin the game so I can kill them together with you all" the man finsihed his words as the same creepy smile formed on his face as he left seungkwan in the room locking it once he went outside.

A tear escaped from his eye as he hoped his friends were fine.
The door opened again as seungkwan looked up "let's just start our first game i am bored but hey in this i Won't do anything to Samuel let's divert the attention to you first"


Sameul woke up as his vision was blurry, he tried to move his hands but they were tied to the chair as his vision started getting clear. He tried to free himself but that didn't help but suddenly the door harshly opens scaring Samuel.

"Oh you are awake" the man darkly chuckled "who are you?" Sameul managed to say. "Well you are Dino's boyfriend huh?" The man asked "what are you talking about, i don't know any Dino" Samuel said making the man smile creepily.

"So you don't know that will be more fun" he said as he look at the others "anyways what do you want me to play first i am a little bored so I Want to play now" the man smiled once again.

"Don't you dare touch me" Sameul said. "so do you have a boyfriend?" He said "what the fuck do you want and why am i here let me go" Samuel shout.

"Shut the fuck up or else that cute little creature seungkwan will die" the man said as Sameul's eyes widened "seungkwan hyu-" his words were cutted "yes he's just in the room beside you"

Sameul did shut his mouth but they heard a scream as Sameul's eyes widened "S-seungkwan" he mumbled
"What are you doing to him?" He asked as the man smiled "they both are just playing games"

"But you are safe for now" the man said as he took out a injection from his pocket "what the fuck is that?" Sameul asked as he kept moving making the man slap him hard.

Tears were flowing down his cheeks as his eyes slowly started blurring as the man injected something in him before his mind finally black out.


"Scoups hyung you alright" Seokmin asked as the latter slowly opened his eyes. "Here" Jun handed the glass of water to scoups.

"Hyung who did this, when we arrived there we saw you and chan unconscious" Hoshi said "What happened to chan" scoups said "he was shoot but he's alright now" mingyu said.

"Where is seungkwan?" Scoups asked "maybe at his home why?" Vernon said "shit, no they took him" scoups suddenly stood up only to fell back down

"Calm down hyung who took him amd sameul shit we were too diverted that we didn't notice sameul?" Seokmin said as his eyes widened. "Last night i saw him sitting in the park and then we started talking, suddenly someone attacked me from behind, it's my fault they took him, i should have been more alert" scoups said as he covered his face looking down.

"Hyung it's not your fault, we will find him" Hoshi said as he hugged coups soon they were disturbed by someone running towards them "Hyung" soobin stopped to catch his breath "Hyung, Chan hyung woke up and he's continuously crying" soobin said as the six immediately made their way to the room Chan was in.

Seokmin hugged him "Chan what happened?" "Hyung it's my fault they took him, they took sameul" Chan said  "last night we both were going to the park but we saw coups hyung unconscious there, and then someone attacked sameul, i was about to shoot that person but someone else shoot me from behind, hyung i am scared what if they did something to him" Chan cried harder as Seokmin tightened the hug "no, he's alright we will save him it's not your fault" Seokmin said.

"It is hyung, it is my fault, first we entered their lives knowing how dangerous it can be for someone so innocent like them, our lives were messed up in this mafia stuff and we messed up their lives too first Wonwoo hyung, yes he is one of the Jeon but the dragons attacked him which are connected to us, now Seungkwan and Samuel" Chan said.
The others couldn't say Anything because it was true, they did put their lives on the line.

"Now you can't do anything Chan" Mr Lee said as he entered the room "Dad" Chan said "the thing is that you can't do anything to change the past, the important thing is how you determine your future, crying won't bring them back" Mr Lee said as he sat beside him "but dad" Chan looked at him "Do one thing, convince the other four to live with you all so they can't reach them, and then save seungkwan and sameul" Mr Lee said as the latter nodded and just hugged him.


There seungkwan was lying almost lifeless "you are no fun" the man said as he angerly kicked seungkwan's stomach but the latter was too weak to even react, it was hard for him to even breath properly as he painfully and slowly lost his consciousness.

The man's smile slowly changed into a smirk as he squat down in front of him "Who knows you were that weak" he said as he left seungkwan there before going outside.

"What did you do to him?" The man asked "i didn't even get to do much he was screaming so much"
"You know that we can't kill them as boss has told us, and those 8 boys straykids right are now under us"
"Yeah, but that Lee know is too smart for my liking"

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