Chapter 15

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The principal just give them detention for 3 days each as they have to be alone. Who knows what will happen if they leave the 7 alone

Rn the class was going smoothly as a teacher entered the class with Hansol with a bunch of paper in his hands making every student gulp.

"No way" yugyeom mumbled "do you think JB hyung will kill us this time?" Bambam asked "just call Jinyoung hyung to hide the guns" yugyeom said.

"So the result of literature exam came" the teacher said "and i am disappointed in many of you" she continued "yeah and also call mark hyung to hide the knives even the kitchen one" yugyeom said once again.

The teacher started calling the students one by one
"Yugyeom and Bambam" the teacher said as they looked up and went at the front seeing teachers serious expression they know they failed this time too "i am proud of you" the teacher said as they were in shock "here" she handed them the result "50%" they both got the same marks as they went back to their seats "don't call them now" yugyeom said "i told you putting three as the answer is the key to success" bambam said as yugyeom just smiled at him.

"And now the top 10" the teacher said.
"Kim taehyung is rank 10"

"Kim jaehyun, Bong jaehyun and Jung jaehyun at rank 9" she said making herself confuse for a moment.

"Boo seungkwan and Yoon Jeonghan got the same rank 8" she said as jeonghan turned to seungkwan with a smile "thanks" he said "what for?"seungkwan said but soon realised as he roll his eyes "Cheating is your lifestyle" seungkwan said "i don't cheat i just make life easier" jeonghan said.

"Hong jisoo rank 7"

"Kim sameul rank 6"

"Lee Seokmin and Lee jihoon rank 5"

"Wait who the heck"

"Chittaphon Leechaiyaporn kul" someone said "yes thanks" she said "ten just call me ten" he rolled his eyes.

"Now the top three" she said
"Jeon Wonwoo at rank 3" making Wonwoo confuse he always get rank second.

"Xu minghao at rank second" Minghao's smile dropped at the announcement as he again smiled and took his result, he went back to his seat as he stared at the result

He crumbled the result and put it in his bag.

"And our top 1 this time is Choi Seungcheol" the teacher said as the whole class went baksu *insert monsta x members clowning seventeen*

The day passed as the seven boys stayed with the other seven until it's time for departure "who is going to stay today?" Jeonghan said "i need to go home today" Minghao said "yah hao you have been feeling down since the result came out don't worry you will do great next time it's just grades" seungkwan said "yeah it's just grades" minghao said as he smiled.

"I can't stay too" Wonwoo said as the others look at him "I have plans with Mingyu today" he said.

"OHHHHHHHH A DATEE" Jisoo shouted "no it's nothing like that" Wonwoo said embarrassed. "Anyways , Everyone the king is going to stay today so you can go" jihoon said as the others rolled their eyes.

"Listen if anything happens you have my number on speed dial" jeonghan said "don't talk to anyone you don't know okay" jisoo said "once you reach home text us" jeonghan said.

"okay got it now fuck off" jihoon said making the others roll their eyes on him.

"Wait let's hangout after detention" jihoon said "sure I am in" Hao said As everyone agreed "so 6 pm the detention will end and we will pick up from here"

"Guys, i promise to have dinner with dad today sorry" minghao said "but you guys have fun" he smiled.


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