Chapter 16

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The sound of slapping echoed in the room "you are a disappointment" the male who looked in his 40s said "a 99, second rank i should have disowned you way before" he said.

"Did you not study this time?" He asked but the latter has his gaze on the floor "ANSWER ME XU MINGHAO"
the boy flinched as his eyes filled with tears but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Answer me you dumbass" another slap as minghao stumbled a little but went back to his posture looking down again.

"Dad, I did studied" he said in low voice Making the male chuckle "you studied, then where the fuck the 1 point goes" he said.

"I promise I will do better next t-" before minghao can finish his sentence, another slap went across his face "you are a disappointment, no wonder your mom left i don't want to see your face until there's a 100 and your rank is 1st Get lost" the male said as he took out a cigrette.

"GET LOST" he shouted as minghao ran to his room but fell down on one of the stair but he stood up and went to his room locking it.

he slide against the door as he hugged his knees and the tears turned into heavy sobs.

"Mom, why did you leave me? Because I was a disappointment you should have told me first I would have left" minghao said.
But the dark truth he didn't know was how brutally his dad killed his mom.

The male sat there for like an hour as looked at his crumbled result "dad don't want to see me till I get the top rank" he mumbled.

"I come home at like 3:30 total, then spend 2½ hour thinking about how dad is gonna kill me today, and when he come back at 6, i realise I was just a disappointment or maybe a mistake, they didn't even probably wanted me and now it's 7 pm with me crying about my result what a life" he mumbled.

Soon he heard the breaking of glass from downstairs. He rushed downstairs to see the living room messed up, the glass was shattered everywhere, the cushions and everything ruined with his drunk dad standing there.

Soon his dad spotted him "oh look a disappointment is standing there" he laughed as minghao stepped backward only to get stab with a piece of glass in his feet.
"Appa" he said as his dad stepped forward making him step backward just to get another glass piece in his feet as he screamed and lost his balance as his hands and feets were bleeding too.

His dad stepped forward as he picked him up and pulled him harshly to the basement "D-dad?" He said as the latter's grip on him tightened.

A punch was landed on minghao's face as he fell on the floor "d-dad" Minghao's eyes filled with tears as his father hit him with his belt.

The screams and torture went on for like 15 mintues until minghao was hardly breathing, there was blood everywhere as the old cuts opened too, "you know you are a disappointment to me just like your mother, i should have killed you in the womb" the old man said as he hit him with the belt again.

"Your biological dad Mr Xu, i killed him and took over his company and your mother do you still believe she left and will come back one day, you stupid child, i forcefully married your mother after i killed your dad but she was pregnant with you so I had to wait till you came out of the womb Because according to the documents, after his death you will be the next inheritor or the property will go into charity, and i fell in love with your mother so when you were 6, I wanted to make her mine, her body her curves just on point but do you know what she said" he stopped as he look at minghao before punching him "she said she will never love a murderer like me, so I raped her and then burn her alive" the male started laughing loudly scaring minghao "her screams and everything were soothing" he said.

"And now I see you are just as Beautiful as she was so why not kill you the same way I killed your mom" he laughed like a maniac Making Minghao widen his eyes.

"Oh don't worry, i am not going to kill you right now, exactly 5 days later is your 21st birthday, the property will be mine and you can finally meet your mom and dad" he smiled as he said that.

"When I die that time i will meet mom and dad" minghao weakly asked "yes you will" the man smirked as he left him there. "Mom Dad Finally i can meet you both" minghao smiled as he fell unconscious.


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