Chapter 14

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Kun's  POV

After a good night's sleep, I woke up feeling happy and excited about spending the day with Olivia and the guys, I couldn't really stop thinking about what I was told last night about her school experiences that she has had but we have all made a deal that we would protect her because she is family in family protect and stay together. As I was picking out my outfit for the day I chose to go with something like shorts and a T-shirt with a white pair of shoes then I headed towards the living room to see if anyone else was awake and that is when I saw that some of the dremies which are the younger side group of ours are awake so I ask one of them if they could help with making breakfast since I and the others are going to try and also make a plan for the week for each of us to spend time with her and on the last day we would all spend the day with her. The only ones that came to help with the food were Jeno and Mark, and I told them each task that they were going to do which was Jeno did the cutting of the fruits and vegetables, while me and Mark would make the pancakes and waffles. We cooked for quite a while and we started to have more of the guys waking up since it was a weekend some of them chose to sleep in since the managers decided that the weekend we should take a break so that we could spend some private time with Olivia. I let the guys get their food first then I would get mine own, I did make a plate for Olivia because I didn't see her in the living room or kitchen yet so I didn't know if she was awake or not. I went to her room and knocked I heard a quiet 'come in' so I walked in and saw that she was already up and dressed just reading a book on her bed.

"Good morning sweetie, why haven't you come down for breakfast yet?" I questioned her

"Oh, this book I am reading I got so into the book that I wasn't paying attention to the time." She explained. I laughed a little.

"That's okay if you want to keep reading you can come to eat and read if you want but make sure you eat some breakfast okay," I told her as I walked out of her room. I went and got my breakfast and then asked if the Chinese members would all come to my room so that we could figure a plan out. So, I walked to my room followed by the guys; I had them sit anywhere.

"I was thinking that since we are spending the week with Olivia that we each would have a day with her or half a day with her is that okay with everyone," I asked and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"So, on Monday it will be Winwin & Lucas, Tuesday will be Hendery & Ten, Wednesday will be Yangyang & Xiaojun, Thursday will be three in the group since I want Friday that will be with all of us so the last group will be Shotaro, Sungchan & myself. Also, each of you will decide when you want to spend with her in the morning/afternoon or afternoon/evening with her but each one of you should spend about half a day with her okay." I explained. They all started talking to each other while I finished my breakfast and then I had Shotaro and Sungchan asking me if they could take the morning time with her on Thursday and I agreed. I was okay with whatever I just wanted to get to know her more. We all Olivia dearly.

Yangyang & Xiaojun's POV

(Xiaojun) I was so happy to finally have some time to spend with my sister I hope that we can get to know each other well. I only knew when Kun told us that the other members here in Korea adopted a little girl to be our sister, but since we have to promote a lot in China for our group we won't be able to see her that much so any time that we are here in Korea we are going to try to get time with her even if it means that we can help her in homework just to be in person with her will make me happy. We have talked on the phone a couple of times but not for long, I know me and some of the other guys are thinking about creating a group chat to talk with her, but we would have to ask her if that is okay since we learned that she also didn't have a good childhood.

(Yangyang) I am glad that I can finally spend some time with our new sister as well I just hope she is okay with us, meaning that she would be okay with us leaving a lot since like Xiaojun said we have to promote a lot in China for our group. I know that when we hang out that I will ask her opinion of what and where we should go and do. I should try and ask Xiaojun what he wants first,

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