Chapter 13

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Shotaro's POV

So me and the guys were just finishing things here in China. and we are heading back to Korea to see the rest of the members. We did at least see Olivia on her birthday but also had a chance to talk to her more since we had a free week before we headed back to Korea. In our hotel room it was me, Xiaojun, and Yangyang we decided to do a live for our fans and at the same time try to have fun. We played games and answered questions from our fans and some of them asked if we had any siblings when Xiaojun read that question we all smiled and said 'yes'. We did that for a couple of hours before we had to go to bed, during that I was thinking about Olivia and how we are so lucky to have her in our lives. I know that some of us have other siblings already but our parents I think would love Olivia because she is a really sweet girl that needs a family and now that was us. I texted my parents and asked them if they were okay with maybe one day meeting Olivia in person to see how she is. Also, I think all of us were thinking that because when I texted my parents I also was texting in the group chat asking if they were all happy that they have Olivia in their life now which a lot said yes as well as said they were going to talk to their parents about Olivia. After that, I fell asleep as well as Xiaojun, and Yangyang. The next morning Kun knocked on our door to get us up, I did not want to get up but the other two got up and ready about an hour later I got up and got dressed we packed our things and got prepared to go to the airport hoping to get their fast and easy but knowing our fans they are already their both in china and Korea. While we were on the plane I asked Kun if he could ask Issac to do something for me since I am still fairly new to the group so I don't have everyone's numbers but the China lines.

"What do you want me to ask him?" Kun asked me

"Can you ask him if he could get me some diamond painting that I could maybe do with Olivia," I asked. He went ahead and asked him for me.

Kun's POV

Well, I did that thing that Oliver asked me to do. I went through some of the schedules that we are supposed to have coming up but then I also asked our manager if the school was starting soon since he has kids too, he told me that it should start in about three weeks but I know that Olivia needs to get school things since those things she didn't have much of that when she was living at that place. I was thinking that maybe some of us could get those supplies for school for her so that she could be ready. Since we have gotten Olivia I know that all of the members plus I have been happier and I hope that it will stay that way for a while since we have been a group we have been so busy, that I had asked our CEO if it was okay to do a shopping day with Olivia for school since I know that we had gotten her clothes and some of the essentials that she needs; he told me that we could but then when we were done that we had to go back into our job. I think that this would be good for us the Chinese members since they aren't always going to be in Korea since they have made a lot of our schedules to do in China. I went back to the practice room and saw the guys still going at it with practice and as soon as I walk in I called them over.

"Hey guys gather around I have some news."

"So you know how Olivia is soon going to have to go to school I asked our CEO if we could take her school shopping." I looked at all of them and they looked happy.

"So when do we get to go shopping with her?" questioned Yangyang.

"We can do it tomorrow since it is getting late we can head home and sleep," I told them, they all started to pack up their things and head to the car to take us home. I was tired already but being happy to spend the day with the guys and Olivia will be fun because one thing that I didn't tell them was that we were going to be spending the whole week with her; even Olivia doesn't know yet but I will talk to her in the morning. The guys were all quiet the whole way back that I was questioning if there was something wrong but it was quiet since we were all tired. Pulling into the building I told the guys to head straight to be and I'll see them in the morning. I went to my room which I share with the mom and dad of the group which is Johnny and Taeyang, when I walked in I saw that they were both still up.

Johnny's POV

It was a busy day, to say the least, because we just found out that we only have a couple of weeks until school starts and we have to enroll Olivia into a school but also try to make sure that the school is safe for her since we will be coming out about her living with us and I don't want to see our little sister get bullied because of us. So as soon as we all got home most of the guys just went to chill with Olivia since they could tell that she wasn't happy about going to school. Plus I tried to have one of the guys Taiel find out why she was scared of school. Me and Taryang went back to talk about what we will do.

"Well since the Chinese members just got back why don't we let them spend some time with Olivia since they won't be here too much? I can text Kun." I told him

"I agree," Taeyang said. A couple of minutes later we had Thomas coming into our room.

"So, I found out why she doesn't like school. The boys and girls at her last one would bully her since she wasn't fitting in with everyone else as well as some of the guys use to try to rape her but when she tried to tell someone she would always get told that she was lying and then that would have the guys mad and cause them to beat her." He told us. Well, now we know we will take extra measures in making sure that doesn't ever happen again. I thanked him and told him to get to bed since it was getting late and to tell the rest of the guys as well that were in with Olivia. When he closed the door I saw that Issac and I both had tears in our eyes, like why would anyone do that to such a sweet girl? We both just sat there for a second and then I texted Kun about seeing if they could take Olivia out the whole week for school shopping as well as just fun since it will be a while till they will see her again. Couple hours later we heard the Chinese members coming in, then Kun came in and saw that we were still awake.

"So did you talk to the CEO about it?" I asked him

"Yes, he told me that it was fine but then we would have to go back straight to business once we are done but I am hoping that Olivia will be okay with it." He said back smiling.

"Well since we got that out of the way we do need to tell you something that we found out about Olivia and with her starting school soon. She has had a really bad experience in school since in her last one she got bullied a lot by the girls and boys there as well as almost getting raped by many boys. So we are thinking of maybe putting her through private schooling rather than public since we will be announcing to the world about her soon and that will cause bullying for her which we all don't want to see. We want her to be happy with us." I told him, and he looked at me shocked and scared about what has all happened to her, and agree that private would be better than public.

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