Chapter 10

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Kun's POV

So today I thought that I would surprise the Chinese members with a shopping day with our new sister Olivia. She was able to spend the day with the youngest members which went well so I wanted her to get to know the Chinese members since we wouldn't be around as much since we have to promote in china more. So now I am going to wake up our little sister to go shopping for clothes since she is about to start school soon, I wanted her to have clothes that she can remember us from as well. As I walk into her room I see that her desk has all these gifts on them and I smile, she will be spoiled by all of us I walk over to her smiling.

"Olivia, sweetpea time to wake up. You get to spend the day with the Chinese members." I said to her in a sweet tone

" 5 more minutes" she back tiredly

"You can't sweetpea, we Chinese members have to leave at midnight and we won't be back until you are in school."

"I'm up, but do you guys really have to leave?" She questioned me in a cute way

"Yes, sweetpea we do, that's why we want you to hang out with us," I told her. After that, I left, so that she could finish getting ready, I went back downstairs to make sure that they were all ready as well when I got back downstairs to talk to them about what we were going to do for the day. When I got there I saw that they were all ready and just waiting for Olivia to come down, so I told them the plan which was to take her shopping for school as well as to have fun with her since I don't know when we will be able to hang out with her again since we are more in China than Korea with the rest of the members. One of them asked when we would see her again, and I looked at them with a sad smile and just told them I don't really know the answer to that question. They looked back at me with a sad smile as well saying okay. As I was finishing telling that I saw that Olivia was ready and coming downstairs to meet us.

"All ready Olivia," I asked her

"Yes, I can't wait for our day that I can spend with all of you." She said back smiling big. We all loaded into the car and were on our way to the mall.

Olivia's POV

When I came downstairs I can tell that something was up because they looked sad but then Liam saw that I was coming down then asked me a question if I was ready which then everyone looked up with happy faces, then we got into the car. As we were in the car I can still tell that something was off about everyone but they were putting on happy faces for me, I just was then deep in my through thinking about what happened the last time I came out with my younger brothers hoping it doesn't happen to us again. While I was deep through I didn't know that I was getting called on by two of my Chinese brothers Shotaro & Sungchan, they looked at me with worried and concern since I wasn't paying attention.

"Hey Olivia, Are you back into the land of the living" Oliver said to me

"Yes, I'm sorry. Did you need something" I asked

"Yeah, we just wanted to get to know you more so we wanted to ask you a couple of questions if you didn't mind," Sungchan said to me this time.

"Oh yeah sure, I'm okay with that," I said back

"So question one, did you have a family before us?" Shotaro asked me

"Yes, but they didn't want me and us to bully me worse than what I had in the orphanage" I answered back, they looked at me with shock and concern. I just didn't let it bother me

" second question. What are your favorite colors?" Sungchan asked me

"I would say baby blue, gold, and red."

"Okay nice third question is, do you want to learn another language?"

"Yes, but I'm not that good at learning because I tried before but failed badly," I said to them. These questions and answers went on until we got to the mall. It was fun because I was able to give them more information about myself. Before we would go into the mall we put on masks and hats so that the fans wouldn't mess up our time together. When we all got out I asked Ten if he could ask their manager to take a picture of all of us so that I can keep it for me to have so when I miss them I can look at the picture on my phone, he agreed to do that and I thought that I would ask them later for their numbers so that when they are away I can text them if they aren't busy. We all walked into the mall already people are looking at us and since I am the only girl they already think something is up. So the first couple of stores that we went to were for clothes, which was fun but also scary because Ten is like the fashionista of the whole group so he made sure that everything would look good or perfect on me which made the members just want to hit him, which made me laugh a couple of times because he doesn't know when to stop. After that we went to grab something to eat since I didn't eat breakfast since I woke up later, so now we are having lunch and which we were in line waiting I saw that we were starting to get a crowd around us so I told Kun and Ten about it which then they told their manager and the other members; after it was our turn to order I went first but then went to step to the side because I was done and there were 11 of us so when we got done we would step to the side for the next person to go, but once I did the crowd than either pulled me away or pushed me aside because now all my brothers and manager were crowded by their fans. I just kept getting pushed that one of their fans elbowed me in my side and then pushed me hard to the floor causing me to hurt my back and wrist. When I felt one of the guys notice that and asked the fans to stop causing all of them to stop and look at each other, they explained that they need to get to their sister. The fans weren't happy about that because they were just like 'who is this girl' or 'she shouldn't be their sister I'm much better than her' and other comments. I just got up looking to get closer to them their manager helped me get to them we had to leave after that because of the fans again. We all got in the car again but this time the guys were saying sorry about all of that and that they will make it up to me when they can, I asked them if we could go to a small shop that was like a dollar tree here to just shop. They were okay with that. It took us a little bit longer because we still got stuck in traffic again today was just really bad for going out but I still was happy to be with them. I was just talking with Shotaro and Sungchan because I feel closer to them since they just joined the group a year before I did and so they understand what I am going through. Also, they look cute as well. So we just talked and asked questions as we did before getting to the mall.

Kun's POV

As I was talking with Owen to try and get an idea of what to get ready for her birthday since that will be coming up this weekend and we sadly can't go since we have to go back to China for concerts. We were talking about getting her some of her favorite things but also our favorite things so that she will have them when we aren't around she can have that. I looked back to see what everyone was doing since it was pretty loud and found that Olivia and Shotaro & Sungchan were laughing about something which made me happy because they just joined our group last year so they know what it's like being the new family member. I took a picture of them and sent it to the group chat that we all were in. The other guys were happy to see Olivia smiling.

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