~20: Seadragon~

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Kailua and the others fight to escape the seadragon.
Coming home, Free fallin & Songcord chapter

"Oh god, I think she's unconscious," Somebody mumbled next to her. "I'm not surprised. That was a hell of a hit she took," A different voice said. "Will she be ok?" A third, smaller, voice asked. "She should be. Worst case scenario, she goes home with her mom. Ronal'l help her... right?" The second voice said. "Mama might go a bit crazy first, but yes, she will take Lua home to heal," So the first voice must be Tsireya... Ao'nung wasn't on the ship, last Kailua knew, and Reya was. The little voice must be Tuk, which means the second voice was either Lo'ak or Neteyam... or maybe the pink Spider from a few days ago.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, boy," A fourth voice said by her ear. Had Kailau's head not been pounding something vicious, she would've bitten his hand. "Where is Jake Sully?" Kailua stayed limp as Lo'ak hissed angrily at Quaritch. "Fine. I'll give you ya due's kid. You're stubborn and loyal. I respect that in a person,"

Oh, come on! The tactic switch was sooo obvious! Even Kailua was aware of it, and she probably had a grade-two concussion! Lo'ak ignored his words and whispered to Tuk. "We're ok... I promise I'll get us out of this," Kailua opened one of her eyes, unsurprised by the smattering of blurry out-of-focus colours. "Oh good! Harry Potter's awake!" Initially, Kailua thought she was hallucinating. But no; the other three captees all held confused expressions as well. "Oh, that's right... you savages don't have books,"

She chose not to entertain the conversation. Quaritch paused for a moment. He grabbed her shoulder and spun her quickly. "You two sisters?" He asked. "Srane!" Reya said. Quaritch pointed his gun in her direction. Lo'ak pulled at the railing, screaming at him to leave her alone while Kailua tried to bite his hand. "I ain't asked you. I asked her." Kailua bared her teeth, hissing dangerously. Quaritch's eyes widened for a split moment. "Srane," She spat. He hummed. "What about you?" He gestured to Lo'ak. "Imma guess you love her? By that reaction?"

Lo'ak hissed. "The girlfriend, ladies and gents!" Quaritch crooned. The deck roared with mocking laughter. Quaritch laughed as he pointed the gun at Tsireya's head. "I know ya'll will answer what I wanna know if I hold this gun to her head," Kailua tugged against the cuffs, screaming. "I remember you, and what you can do," Quaritch's smile fell immediately. "So unless you wanna be given to the science pukes for testing, I suggest you shut the hell up and do what I say,"

"Ngati ay ke'aw aynga nemfa tsawng!" Kailua screamed, pulling harder against the restraints. "I don't speak savage," Quaritch hissed, pulling a blade out. "But I'm guessing it weren't nice," he pressed it to Kailua's neck. She growled, baring her teeth. "Leave her alone!" Lo'ak yelled as Tsireya shrieked her name.

The rest of their capture passed in a somewhat blur for Kailua. The questions this Quaritch kept asking were the same ones he'd beaten out of her a few days ago. The fact that her answers were the same was obviously displeasing if the bruises on her face indicated as much. As he crooned to Jake over some... button thing he snatched off of Lo'ak's choker piece, Kailua took a moment to watch. Her sister seemed awfully close with Lo'ak. Prior to her kidnapping, Kailua wouldn't have put any thought into it. Tsireya was a physical learner, and her language was physical affection. But... their eyes gave all away. How long was she on this ship? It felt like a few days, but it couldn't have been.

For one thing, Tsireya's Tsahik shell had grown bigger, which meant she was now the junior tsahik, to be full tsahik, when mama died or gave it up (which seemed incredibly unlikely if Kailua remembered her mother at all)

Her training was complete. With that, comes a ceremony. Much like Kaliua and Nung's tattooing.

Their eyes held more than friendship... dare she say, love? No, that's silly. Tsireya knew her and Lo'ak had a history... she wouldn't do that... right? Maybe she'd been gone for weeks, months? She'd need to see her mama's belly bump to determine how long she'd been away. At least two weeks.

A sudden appearence in her peripheral snapped her out of her dangerous thoughts. She intially bared her teeth with a hiss, but stopped. "Thank the high heavens you're here," She greeted the eldest Sully. Neteyam grinned. "S'good to see you again Kailua. I'm glad you're ok," She nodded earnestly. "You're the only person to say that, you know that?" She said, standing. Neteyam cocked his head breifly. "Well I mean it," He smiled. "Can you two stop having eye sex and help me?"

Kailua groaned as she turned. "We need to get the na'ring off of this thing. They're gonna hurt us if we stay," Lo'ak shot her a withering look. "We need to get Spider," The insult dying on her tongue, she frowned. "The small pink thing?" Lo'ak rolled his eyes. "Yes. Now are you coming or not?"


In hindesight, it was a bad idea.

A very, very bad idea. For a while, it had all gone accoridng to plan. Neteyam and Lo'ak would crawl along the top area (Kailua couldn't remember what it was called) while she snuck in through the moon pool. By the time she surfaced, several sky people were already dead and bullets had already been fired. She threw her hand out to the front, sending a wall of water forward. It covered her and the brothers long enough to get properly hidden and protected. "I will distract them. You three, go." Lo'ak exclaimed while Kailua scoffed. "How about no? Why don't I just do what I did? Use a water wall to get into the moon pool?" Neteyam shook his head. "No. Bullets go through water. Best way to save yourselves is for me to shoot at them first."

Kailua shook her head. "No harm in trying. Lo'ak, get Spider out of here. I'll help Neteyam," She said. Lo'ak locked her stare for a few seconds. Then he nodded. "Ready?"

She threw her hand out with a loud grunt, making it thicker than before. If the bullets break through, then they won't have enough force behind to do any real damage. "Go! I can't hold this for long!" She groaned. Lo'ak shoved Spider by his shoulder, both falling into the moon pool. "Neteyam go! This is gonna fall!" She yelled. "I'm not leavign you here to die!" He argued, readying the gun. "GO!" She screamed. Too late. The force of holding a thick wall of water was too much. The water crashed to the decking, slipping into the cracks of the floor. She looked up in time to see a man round the corner. She shot her hand out a final time, sending a jet through his stomach.

But then the bullets began firing. "No!" She screamed, stepping in front of Neteyam, holding a water wall up again. A dull pain suddenly hit her side, leaving a soft burn in its wake. Must be an old injury flaring up with the exertion. She dissmissed. "Move!" Neteyam grabbed her arm and hauled her into the water. The soft burn grew hotter and hotter. Maybe the blurry eyes were exertion as well? She thought, kicking to the surface. She reached down to unsheath her knife but haulted with a strangled gasp.

She'd been shot.


Srane - yes | Ngati - I | Ay - will | Ke'aw - tear | Aynga - you | Nemfa - into | Tsawng - pieces | Na'ring - hell

Blue Water ~ Lo'ak x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang