~18: Seadragon~

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Kailua drags herself to a rock formation, three brothers rocks. Before long, her sister arrives, pleading for her help with an endangered tulkin that Lo'ak refuses to leave. Kailua is torn. Help the tulkun, and by extension, her ex? Or refuse, and let the tulkun die...
Fighter, Bad blood & Don't hold your breath

Unsure of where she was swimming, Kailua let herself sink to the bottom of the ocean. The floor was cold and dark; no thanks to the demon ship floating ominously above her. It cast a horrid coldness to the water, and not just in temperature. She took a slow breath to calm her nerves.


She began to move ever so slowly towards the lighter aprt of the floor, determind to get away from this ship as far as she can and as soon as she can. Her head felt thick with cotton as she crawled forwards. It was pitiful, really. She'd never let herself get this weak; ever. Not even when she'd drained herself using her abilities. But those... demons had barely provided her the essentials. One meal a day, and 3 mugs of water. If she answered his question to his liking, she was given an extra meal. If not, she was slapped, smacked or punched and her only meal of the day was snatched away.

No doubt she was thinner as well; somethign her mom would latch onto when she returned.

Despite being one with the sea, Kailua had no idea where she was. If she rose out of the water, maybe she'd be able to work it out. Alas; the thought of being captured by those horrid creatures again firmly put her off... at least until she was far enough away to not be easliy spotted. The crawl was labourous, torcherous. Yet; she perservered. A few fishes swam nearby, almsot guiding her away. Perhaps they were guiding her away. Maybe Eywa was helping her home. Eventually, the cold dark area of the sea was a while behind, barely visable. She dared to swim upward, taking a gasp as she hit clean air. She glanced around, gasping when three brothers rocks came into sight. She swam towards it, hauling herself up.

The rocks scratched her palms and stomach painfully, blood leaking from the superficial wounds. Her arms folded in the middle, sending her crashing to the ground. Her head pounded painfully as the world blurred. Maybe just five minutes...

"Daughter," Kailua turned with a soft frown. "You're not my mama," She said. The woman in green smiled warmly. "I am everyone's mother, child. You are all my children," Kailua smiled in return. "Hello Eywa," Eywa nodded with her head, gesturing left. "Come. I must show you something," Kailua followed duitifully. "The visions I sent you a few months ago concerning the new arrivals, the forest dwellers. Do you remember them?" Kailua nodded. "Yes. One of them dies." She said bluntly, aiming an unimpressed look at the great mother. Eywa continued gazing into the forest. "For the others to thrive, and for his soul to finally rest, yes. He dies." Kailua narrowed her eyes. "So it's Jake, Neteyam or Lo'ak?" She asked. Eywa didn't speak. "He dies sooner than you think. I have come to warn you, my child. The plans I had laid have been desimated, destroyed. The only way you can save at least two of them is to follow your own path now, daughter. I cannot do anymore,"

Kailua huffed. "And what is my path, Great mother?" Eywa seemed to deflate slightly. "A tangle... to put it bluntly. You have ties interwoven with each of the Sully's. Some are crossed thinly and can break without disturbance. Other's are woven intricatly and will not break easliy, but will change everything." Kailua hummed. "But only you can provide the way for his soul to thrive," She turned with a frown. "Huh?"


A yelp was the second sound that hit her ears. "Oh my-Reya!" Her hand burned from where she slapped her younger sister. "Please, we need you! We need your help!" Kailua took a moment to blink at her sister. "Seriously? No "nice to see you alive Lua!" Really? Nothing!?" Tsireya glanced over her shoulder. "I- Please, Lua. It's a tulkun. He's in trouble and he's gonna die if you don't help me," Kailua shook her head. Nice to know her sister missed her...

"Who is it?" She asked, defeated. Tsireya immediately sighed and grabbed her hand, dragging her to the water. "Payakan!" Kailua snatched her hand back. Tsireya stumbled and toppled into the water with a screech. "I'm not helping Lo'ak, Reya!" Kailua snapped. "it's not him you're helping! It's an innocent, defencelss tulkun. Lo'ak just happens to be his spirit brother!" Kailua leveled her with a glare. "Come on! You'd want him to help you if it was Enyo!" Kailua growled softly, screaming into the air. Tsireya stayed floating, pleading with her big round eyes.



Atop the tulkun, it felt nice to be acknowledged. "Kailua!" A young voice yelled. She stepped from the water to Payakan's back, squeezing in between her brother and her ex. "Hi Tuk-Tuk!" She called the girl by her fond nickname that she'd demanded. "Lua!" Her brother looped his arm around her tightly. "Holy na'ring, Lua!" She grinned. "Reminise later. Right now, we need to help Payakan." She didn't meet the burning gaze of Lo'ak. "Right. Sully's, pull the pinging thing. Nung and Reya, you guys push. I'll help from the water." She spread her feet apart with a deep breath. "Go!" Lo'ak, Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk (bless her heart) pulled as hard as they could, while Ao'nung and Tsireya pushed with all their weight. Kailua reached towards the water and shut her eyes tightly. She willed the water to wrap around the pinigng thing and push from inside Payakan's skin. It was probably very uncomfortable for him; but it was either that or die.

Her hand began to shake with the exertion, but she grit her teeth and bore down. Slowly, the pinging thing began to slip free. "Go harder!" She yelled, straining against the resistance the water was providing. With a scream from each person, the pinging thing popped free with a loud noise. Everyone tumbled into the water. Kailua folded in half, resting her hands on her knees. Payakan rumbled happily, bringing a small smile to Kaliua's very tired face.

Kailua's legs turned to liquid as she collapsed to onto Payakan's back. "Lua!" A hand grabbed her shoulder. "I'm ok, I'm ok," She waved the hand away. "Give me the pinger, I'll drive them away!" Kailua's vision was too blurry to make anything physical out, so she stayed sitting silently. "Mom's gonna kill you," Ao'nung whispered in her ears. She scoffed. "It's not like I can help being kidnapped, is it?" She shoved his shoulder with a grin. Turn around and hide!

She spun in a frenzy. "Shit! Guys! It's that ship! The demon ship! We need to hide!" She shouted, fear seeping into her voice. "Shit! Go Payakan! Dive!" Lo'ak ran past and dropped to Payakan's eye level. "Dive!" He shouted, pointing to the sea. It would appear he still needed to learn sign language to communicate with his spirit brother. Nevertheless, Payakan rumbled in return and began to sink. "Everyone hold on!" And they plunged into the cold water once more.

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