~9: Fixer upper~

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Kailua fixes Lo'ak up and the tension heats up further.
I'm in love with you, Missing what's you, The BFF song
"Yeah, I'd say so. You look horrific," Kailua winced as she approached. "Gee thanks," Lo'ak mumbled. She stopped and glared. "Want me to help?" He sighed heavily. "Sorry," Kailua nodded. "Sit. I need to look at you," He slowly walked over to her stool, hissing quietly. Kailua grabbed some pastes and ointments. She grabbed her little bag of medicinal seeds and her grinder. She knelt to Lo'ak's side and began to grind the seeds. "What are those? I've never seen them before," He asked, wrinkling his nose at the smell. "The blue seeds are apxangrr, the purple seeds are paywll and the last thing is an Ovumshroom." She put the ovumshroom into the pot and crushed it well. "You drink it, once I add the water." She swirled the contents around the edge, fully crushing everything within the pot. "The apxangrr will help numb the pain a little, while the paywll should prevent any infections from the cuts on your body,"

Lo'ak raised one of his eye hairs. "And that? That ovumshroom?" Kailua hummed. "Takes away from the bitter taste of the apxangrr and paywll. Should make it more bearable." He hummed lowly. Kailua grabbed some water from a flash by her bedroll and poured it in, mixing the crushed seeds. "What is that thing above your eye? Your eye hair," She asked as she swirled the mixture around. "This?" He pointed. "It's my eyebrow," Kailua hummed. "One of the many things demonic about me," He mumbled. Kailua hummed once more. "I disagree. I think it's cool. It suits you,"

Lo'ak scoffed. "Only because you've never seen me without it," Kailua put the pot down and raised a finger to her vision. She closed one eye and covered his eyebrow with her finger. "Nope. Still look weird," He snorted. Kailua turned away to hide her blush. She grabbed some fwäkìwll leaves and peeled back the outer layer. "And those? What's that?" Kailua turned. "These are medicinal. They will help reduce the swelling on your side. Once I've put it on, and after you've drank this mixture, I'll reset your ribs and wrap your side with some stripped back daisy anemone flower buds."

Lo'ak's face paled. "I'm sorry, reset my ribs?" Kailua nodded. "That's why you've gotta drink this first. It'll hurt a whole lot less than if you don't," Lo'ak frowned at the green liquid. "This isn't going to kill me?" He asked. "No, but it's not nice," Kailua grabbed the fwäkìwll leaves and waited. "Trust me, drink it," He hesitated. "It smells," Kailua rolled her eyes. "Yes. And, if you really must know, it's designed to not stay in your system long. That's partly what the ovumshroom is for; it helps expel the unnecessary." Lo'ak leaned away from the bowl. "I thought you said the ovumshroom was to help with the taste?" Kailua poked the bowl. "It does. But the apxangrr is toxic to na'vi in large amounts." She nodded. "And you have to use a lot for it to have any effect,"

"I'm not drinking poison," Kailua rolled her eyes. "It won't kill you if it stays in you. It'll just make for a very horrible few days. The ovumshroom skips that and just ruins an hour or two instead," She smiled. "So it makes me puke?" Kailua shrugged. "Don't know. I've never had to use it." Lo'ak put the bowl on his knee. "I'll be fine," Kailua raised her brow. "Ok. Don't trust me,"

She barely touched his rib when he cried out and flinched away. She grabbed the bowl before too much could spill out. "You startled me." He grumbled. Kailua shrugged and softly touched another one. He hissed and slapped her with his tail. Kailua glared. "On second thought, maybe I will drink that poison,"

She set his ribs without too much of a problem. Most of them were just slightly out of place; nothing that couldn't easily be fixed. If there were properly broken, Kailua would've needed her mother to help. "There. All done. Let me just wrap them in the fwäkìwll for a bit." She paused. "You ok?" Lo'ak gave a single head nod. "Just hurts," He grunted. Kailua nodded. "Yeah. Happens unfortunately when you knacker your ribs," She patted his shoulder as she grabbed the fwäkìwll leaves. "This'll burn for a moment but then it'll be cool. It should help with bruising and swelling among other things,"

She kneeled in between his knees. "Sit as straight as you can," She said softly. She peeled the first outer layer of the fwäkìwll leaf and stuck it to his right side. He winced, hissing loudly. She cringed, rubbing it quickly. "I know. I'm sorry," She mumbled. She took another fwäkìwll leaf and repeated the same thing on his left side. Glancing up very quickly, she fell into his amber eyes.

They darted across her face as both breathed deeply. Kailua, wanting to look away, tried to blink herself out of his gaze. The fwäkìwll leaf's cooling agent dripped onto her knee, snapping her out of her desire fuelled gaze. Kailua swallowed thickly, rubbing the final fwäkìwll leaf onto his left side. "I'm gonna clear up," She mumbled. "Stay still," She pressed her hand to his knee to prop herself up without spilling any of the residue green liquid. She cleaned up and returned. She peeled the final outer layer of the fwäkìwll leaves off and wrapped his side in stripped back daisy anemone flower buds. "Right. That should be all done."

She stood with a soft smile. "Thank you," He whispered. Kailua held her hand out. He frowned at it. "Come on, I'll help you home," She pushed her hand out further. He groaned as he stood, caging his side with his left hand. Kailua helped him out of the hut and began to walk away.

Or tried to.

He still held her hand, seemingly a million miles away. Kailua fought the blush from her face but didn't fight to let go. She walked slowly, a mere 3 paces in front, to guide him home. There were strange looks aimed in her direction, but she ignored them. No doubt she'd get an earful from her younger sister when word reached her.

Or certainly her mother. Kailua's resentment of how easy Tsireya's life was seemed to drive a wedge in between her and her mother. If Ronal thought Kailua was being unfair in her treatment, or petty in trying to get whatever Tsireya had achieved, she would chew her out in front of the whole family with no sugar coating her words.

Kailua held his hand tighter as they approached his hut. She peered around the corner, sighing in relief when it was empty. "Lo'ak? We're home," She pushed him forward slightly, walking in behind. "I'd suggest rolling up a spare bed roll to help keep your head up. It should help keep your ribs extended enough to prevent them from slipping back into the wrong places," She said, moving around. "Well I'm screwed then," He grunted as he sat. "All the bedrolls are used,"

She glanced around. "Well, for now, use this one. I'll be by to bring you our spare one later on before bed," She grabbed the nearest one and rolled it up tightly. "Come on, lay down," She said. He smirked slightly and opened his mouth. He shut it quickly afterwards with a head shake, the smirk not leaving. "Don't be an ass," She pointed playfully. "I shouldn't have taught you that," He chuckled. "You didn't! You call your brother it all the time! I have ears you know," She laughed, slapping his shoulder. "Ow! You can't hurt the infirm!" He joked.

Kailua snorted. "Keep going and I'll make you drink more of that soup!"

She walked out of the hut to his fake gagging.


apxangrr - delta tree | paywll - dapophet | fwäkìwll - mantis orchid | daisy anemone

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