" What about me? " He asked standing before her as he opened the door.

" Is Margot beautiful? " She asked while taking her seat.
" Yeah. " He said, and closed the door.

The smile on her face faltered a bit, and as Abhimanyu took his seat he said, " But she doesn't stand a chance before my wife. "

The smile was back, it was like they were playing, " Really? "

" Beyond a doubt. " He said while starting the car ignition.

" Can I see her? "
" Nah. "
" Why? "
" Cuz she's mine to see. "
" Possessive much ha. "
" Of course. "

Both smiled and then, hahaha. The sound of laughter echoed through the empty parking lot as they made their way out.

Parth and Shreya found them ten minutes later, both of their clothes ruffled. There was no need to guess what they were doing, it was fairly visible on their faces.

But neither Aradhya nor abhimanyu were ones to comment or tease them.
So, sitting in the car, shreya gave them the directions for their next stop.

An amusement park.

And not too surprisingly the first place she chose was a haunted house.
" You sure Shree? " Aradhya asked her, knowing how much she is scared of ghosts.

" Of course. I told you na, that I'm over that fear. I'll prove it today. " Shreya said with too much emphasis on her words, as if she was convincing herself too.

" Fine. "

They entered in a group of two people, so Parth and Shreya entered first, while Aradhya and Abhimanyu followed after them.

No one told them that, there were two parts in the haunted house and this led them to separate, Shreya who was waiting for Aradhya to come finally learned that from a couple who came in after them.

So deciding to leave this place sooner she started to drag Parth with her, while he followed her with a grin on his face, waiting for her reaction.

He didn't have to wait for much longer, because in less than two minutes a ghost appeared in front of them.
" Ahhhhh. " Shreya shrieked before hugging him, he enjoyed it.

" Shh, sweetheart, it's okay. Let's move ahead. Don't open your eyes, okay. Hold onto me. "
He said and she nodded, closing her eyes, she followed after him all the while being glued to him.

A few minutes later, she stumbled, parth stabilized her but opened her eyes to look at the obstacle. And that was a mistake.
" Aaaaahhhhhhhhh. " She screamed before jumping onto him.

It was a prop of a dead body laying on the ground.
" Sweetheart get down, we don't have much distance left. " Parth said to her, trying hard to control his laughter.

" No, no no no no no. I'm not getting down. Carry me. " She shook her head frantically, not moving an inch.
" Fine by me. " He said before he helped her stabilize herself on him and walked ahead.

On the other side, Aradhya and Abhimanyu were walking as if they were in a garden.
None of the staff impersonating the ghosts or the props lying here and there managed to scare them.

" Aren't you scared. " Abhimanyu asked her as they passed what seems like a rotten dead body.

" Should I be? Aren't they fake. " Aradhya replied nonchalantly.

Abhimanyu heaved a sigh of frustration and said nothing.
" What's wrong? " Aradhya asked him, having felt his frustration.

" You're not scared. "
" So? "
" How am I supposed to be your hero and protect you if you're not scared. "

" Aren't you already? I'm not scared of this, but I was scared of the happiness, the reality, you helped me embrace it, and protected me from myself. You don't need me to be scared to be my hero, you are already one. "

" When you say such things I just want to kiss you. " Abhimanyu said holding her face.
" What's stopping you then? " She whispered.

And just as his lips were about to touch hers, they heard some people talking before seven people entered the place they were in.

" See, this is stopping me. " Abhimanyu muttered before taking her hand and walking ahead.

She chuckled at his sour mood and followed him.

Parth and Shreya were already out and he was sitting on a bench with her in his lap. His hand stroking her back while her head was buried in his neck.

" Is she okay? " Aradhya asked.
And Parth nodded, " Just a bit scared. "

" Let's leave then. It's already evening, she could rest. "

" No. " Shreya said, coming out of her cocoon and jumped down from her husband.

" Huh? "
" We still haven't ridden the Ferris wheel. "
" Shree. "
" Lat one aru, I promise. Then we'll go home. "
" Fine. "

All four of them went to the Ferris wheel, Parth and Shreya boarded first and Abhimanyu and Aradhya boarded the next cabin.

Aradhya looked down at the park, seeing the people smiling, children running and playing, while couples walking hand in hand.

It was only when the wheel reached the top that she noticed that her husband had been looking at her alk this time.

" What's wrong? "
" Have you heard of the old wives tale. "
" Which one. "

" That if you kiss at the very top of the Ferris Wheel you'll be together forever. "

" You believe it? "
Aradhya didn't think that he might believe such tales. He's a businessman, and rational enough to know that there's no logic behind such tales.

" I won't mind having a chance to solidify my future with you. " He said as he moved towards her.
" It—" She couldn't say more than a word before he claimed her lips, swallowing her words into his mouth.

" I'd rather believe these tales, than ignore them when it's you. " Abhimanyu said in between the kiss as he moved a bit away, not more than a centimeter away from her lips before joining them again.

His hot ones against her cold ones, giving balance to each other just like Yin and Yang.


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Bye bye.

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