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^ YES!!!

"Not anymore." Kanan's voice came from underneath, "C'mon kid." He oversee his hand in mid air, while holding his blaster.

"Shoot the ship! Shoot the ship!" Kallus ordered his squadron.

The stormtroopers wasted no time. Blaster boots flew all over The Ghost.

Ezra turned to the Wookiee. "Better trust me on this one." He grabbed the kid harder.

Ezra leaped over to The Ghost, stretching out with his legs and the force. He might of stretched his leg too far, and lost his balance as he barely made it to the ramp. Kanan quickly helped him up.

The Jedi dragged him away from the ramp. "You okay kid?"

Ezra sucked his breath. "Yes." He winced, making the slightest movement. But enough to make Kanan realize.

"Are you okay?"

Ezra closed his eyes. "I'm fine." He tried putting his weight in his working limbs while trying to get up.

Kanan wouldn't let him go. Ezra got up and followed the adult. The prisoners were waiting. An adult wookie quickly approached him and hugged the little wookie. Ezra beamed, feeling a little proud. The bigger beast growled in appreciation and ruffled Ezra's tangled hair. The teenager counsel help but chuckle a little bit.

Kanan put his hand on his shoulder. "Well done kid." He spaced out for a second. "Ready to back home?"

"I am home." He muttered.

Kanan didn't catch it. "C'mon let's meet up with the rest." He patted Ezra's shoulder and dismissed him.

"Mmmhm... Coming!"

Before going to the common room Ezra had one stop before his destination. The refresher. Once inside, he locked the door. Ezra tried looking for an aid kit. The Ghost always carried one. Remembering, he opened the top shelf, taking out the kit carefully.

Once in his hands, he opened the little box, taking out the right tools to close his wound. Ezra wrinkled his nose.

"Ezra?" Came a voice from outside. Sounded like Sabine.

It was already too late to put the equipment back up, so he hoped Sabine didn't come into the 'fresher. But nevertheless, he felt her presence turn around in his direction.

She shot a look. "Are you in there?" She knocked, quite rudely, "This isn't your ship you know."

That sting more than it should've. "I... I'll come out... just a second." Ezra gulped some words down.

Sabine didn't buy it. "Open the door first." She said in a stern voice.

Ezra was already stitching the wound. The blood came out, as he shifted and out away the dry one. The sour-salty smell of blood was strongly stained into his hands.

"Ezra?" Sabine spoke, sounding irritated, "Open the door."

"I can't." He simply responded, almost finishing the closure, "Uhh... Give me a little..." He was bound to close it with just a little more time, "There."

A sigh of relief washed all over his body, the pain had not gone away, but at least the wound was closed. He washed his hands and unlocked the door. Sabine came inside as soon as she heard the sound.

"Explain." Sabine ordered Ezra, coming inside the bathroom, "This whole room is a bloody mess."

"No, that's just my hands." Ezra sarcastically said.

"You get the point kid." Sabine responded, rolling her eyes, "Are you going to explain or not?" She said while laying on the side wall.

"None of your business." He replied, quickly wanting to switch subjects. He died his hands with the towel, but a stale scent of blood was noticeable in the room and Ezra himself.

She picked up the med kit and put it back in its place, avoiding some stains of blood on the box.

"Come one let's go." Sabine pressed, hurrying up Ezra.

He followed the young mandalorian into the common room. The looks on everyone's faces expressed the same idea.

"We need to talk."


About the delay: I've started a TikTok acc about editing SWR (mainly Ezra and Sabine)

Challenge for this chapter: 20 votes (making it harder to have more time lol)

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