0 | Thrawn and Ezra

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(Re-edited 29 of June, 2023)

Ezra held his Force grip tight around Thrawn. He uses the Purrgils to wrap Thrawn like a burrito, but the Chiss still manages to cause some kind of resistance. The admiral tried escaping, to make some kind of run for his life, because he probably knew what Ezra was about to do. It annoyed Ezra, for sure, but the young Jedi always had the support of the Purrgils.

"What ever happens, happens to both of us." He managed to growl out.

"That's the plan!" Ezra struggled to say, out of the blaster wound but the grip he had on both Thrawn and the door.

The creatures were ready to jump into hyperspace. Ezra was extremely sad to leave Lothal, and even more, his family. He'll miss Sabine with all his hearth, Hera for being like a mother to him, Kanan for being like a father, Zeb for being an older brother and Chopper for being an annoying little pesky droid. He'll always remember the family that helped him through many things. He truly wished it didn't have to end this way, but as he pre-recorded, there were several paths, and some of them didn't end good at all. And this was the best choice for everyone. Maybe not everyone, not him.

The Purrgils emerged or hyperspace, but Ezra wasn't met with the normal blue-white lights but instead was dragged into white lights, that seemed to become every color at the ends, to the point he couldn't see anymore. And with that, completely ignoring Thrawn, Ezra was plunged into darkness.

Okay! How was that for a first chapter? Let me know your opinion and please comment so I don't abandon this book :p

- Aqua

This first chapter is pretty bad. Hopefully I'll get the hand of it.

- Future Aqua

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