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Dear Luke,

Days seem to be getting longer.

School seems to drag on and I am not doing any better in my classes than before. My friends aren't talking to me as much, which I kind of don't care about any more. They kept blaming you.

My dad started working more. He has been getting called in, which I don't mind. When he was with me he only worried about me, and it was nice to see him out of the house.

But my dad did come home today, and he was angry with me for something I almost did in photography class.

The class was working on a project, we were all assigned a partner. I got some guy as my partner that bugged me a little, kept asking what I was going to do in the project.

But your friend that is in my class had a girl as his partner, and he was sat beside my group.

All of a sudden, she had the audacity to talk about you.

Everyone knows about your absence, and everyone knows why. But no one, up until now, had ever talked about it directly to us.

She talked about how it was all of our faults, your group of friends, and I, that you left.

She looked straight at me when she said 'other friends'.

My fists clinched up, and I was about ready to punch her. I am not a violent person, you know this, but I was already standing up and nearing her by the time she ended her sentence.

Your friend grabbed me before I could do anything, and all eyes were on the three of us as your friend said how it wasn't worth it, and that she will get what she deserves later in life.

I guess he was right.

The teacher sent me to the office, and I have detention now. Yet, she does too. So I guess she got what she deserved.

My dad was aggravated with me, yet I could tell he was glad I stood up for myself. Because, as you know, I have never done that.


Little Letters ≫l.h & a.iTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang