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Dear Luke,

I'm sorry for not writing to you lately. I have been busy with school. I have a test next week in math so I am working on that with my tutor.

I no longer do I have 3 bad grades, they are all now high C's.

I feel like my life is finally on track, and I am ready to end the school year strong in May.

When I walked out of school today, it was raining freezing rain. Each time a drop hit my body, I shivered. I didn't have an umbrella, which made it hard to walk without getting wet.

When I got home today I was tired, so I laid down in my bed but could not fall asleep. And I stared at your guitar that was propped up in the corner of my room. I can almost imagine you there, in front of me, playing it.

I could almost feel you smile at me. It made me start crying.

I am hallucinating now. Great.

I need to realize that you are gone, yet I can't. It has been almost a year and I still believe you are here. I need to stop thinking that way. You are gone.

My mind kept replaying your face when you smile. I keep replaying the way you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.

Maybe I am not the only one imagining things. Maybe your mom, your brothers, and everyone you know is imagining the same things as I. Maybe I'm not crazy.


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