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Dear Luke,

It is still raining. Yet, today, it is raining less than yesterday. Last night we had a flash flood warning, but nothing flooded.

When I got home today my dad was home, he was watching the news. We are going through the effects of a hurricane, but of course, we are in the midwest, we aren't actually having a hurricane. The hurricane is in the east coast.

Today when I was leaving the school though, some of your friends ran over to me and walked me to my bus. Ashton had an umbrella, which protected me from the rain. I'm thankful for that. And I am surprised they are being nice to me even after you left.

They asked me simple things, how am I doing and how have things been. I just replied with 'fine', because I am not really sure how I have been.

I am not sure if I miss you, or if I miss the way you made me happy. I am sure it is both.

This is going to be a bit short today. I am meeting with my tutor for the last time and I am leaving early. Thank god.


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