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Dear Luke,

Today, your mother came by my home once more. She brought some of your things to share with me, things she found while inside your bedroom grieving.

Your guitar looks the same, the strings were old, and I could tell you haven't been playing on it. It was weird to see that is wasn't in your arms, because that thing was always near you. To see it alone, it was different.

She also brought some photos of you with your friends, I was in some of them.

The last thing she brought was your song book. She knew you didn't like people reading inside, so she didn't look in it. And I didn't either. Even though you are gone, she believes that you wouldn't want us to be looking inside something that is so precious to you.

She told me I could take them for the tome being. Just to help me.

I sit here wondering what would have happened if you would have told me, but I try to push the thoughts out of my mind. I try not to blame myself, but it is hard not to. I wasn't there, and all I keep thinking is 'what if'.

At school, people have been wondering how I am doing, and I never can reply with an honest answer. But hopefully, soon, I will be able too.


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