Till Death Do Us Part

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After that day, (F/n) kept having an abnormal reaction. Her body is rejecting everything she consumed, leaving her frail and wearied. To her dismay, Ash refused to bring her to the hospital, insisting on taking care of her by himself.

Aside from being physically weakened, everything she had to go through finally took its toll on her mentality. She kept dazing, mumbling to herself and a new habit of biting her fingernails surfaced. And what did Ash do when he witnessed all of that? Nothing. He just smiled.

(F/n) weakly brings the spoon to her mouth, but her hand shook suddenly. If it wasn't for Ash steadying her hand, a spoonful of warm porridge would have spilt on her already.

"Let me feed you baby. You are too weak right now," (F/n) raised her empty eyes to look at him before nodding. She opened her mouth and let Ash feed her. After two spoonfuls of porridge, she turned her head away, indicating she has finished.

"Eat more, sweetheart. You look so thin right now," Ash tried to persuade her but a shake in the head is all he got from her.

"No, I can't. I will vomit if I eat more. I'm tired, please leave it." (F/n) rubbed her chest, trying to ease the nausea. Ash listened to her and placed the bowl on the small table he recently placed. She was silent as she stare into the space before turning to him. He was there. Watching her all the time, always.

"Am I sick?" (F/n) looked down at her bony fingers. It's not that she doesn't notice the changes in her body, but she was too tired or maybe she simply doesn't care about it. This might be fate. Her disappearance will do a favour for everyone. No one needs her anyway.

"No, (F/n). You're not. Not under my watch," Ash took a strand of her hair and lightly twist it between his fingers.

"Then why am I feeling this way?" (F/n) frowned, appearing distrustful towards him.

"I have a feeling but I am not so sure," Ash kept his eyes on her.

"What is it?" (F/n) furrowed her eyebrows. Ash chuckled at her curiosity before leaning closer to her and whispered three words in her ear. She widened her eyes and immediately snapped her head to him.

"How cute," he beamed and patted her head gently. (F/n) was still frozen, still in a state of shock.

"I'll buy you a test kit. You can check it later," picking up the glass and bowl, he walked out of the room with a contented expression.

(F/n) released a shaky breath.

"You are pregnant," the words he whispered earlier linger around.


'I'm going to be a mother?'

Her heart was thumping so fast. Something is crawling, making its way into her heart. Digging in and taking root. Her hands unconsciously covered her stomach. A teardrop ran down her cheek.


(F/n) walked back and forth restlessly. Biting her nail as she kept glancing at the test kit on the sink. She jumped when Ash knocked on the door suddenly.

"Are you done?" Ash asked as she had already spent twenty minutes in the bathroom.

"A-almost!" She responded. (F/n) stared at the pregnancy test. Two red lines appeared, that means she's pregnant right? She gripped the test kit tightly, covering her mouth to hide her whimpering. A life is living inside her. Depending on her. A life that needs her.

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