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It has been a month since she started living at her sister's house. It was uncomfortable at first to be in the same space as her sister's boyfriend. But later, she noticed that as long as her sister was not around, he wouldn't care about her which she is glad about.

There was something about him that unsettled her. Like the way he was dazed whilst staring at her sister who fell asleep on the couch. He would stare for minutes before reaching out to carry her to the bedroom.

She knew she was just a nuisance here. She knew her sister's boyfriend allowed her here only because her sister wants to.

She would rather stay alone in their parent's house than be treated like a burden. Of course, her sister doesn't treat her like one. She was so kind. So kind that it was doubtful how she was with that sullen guy.

He was not pleasing anywhere. Aside from his appearance, everywhere else is a sting to her eyes.

He wouldn't just leave her sister alone! If possible, he would want to tie her sister to his side. Doesn't he know that a relationship needs space too?

He would glance at her from time to time with accusing eyes like she was going to steal her sister from him. She doesn't know what's in his mind, but he needs a punch in the face.

She then decided to stay in her room whenever he was around. Let her sister accompany that cold block. She doesn't want to take any part in it.

She was rummaging in the kitchen to fix herself a brunch after sleeping off the annoying headache when she heard voices from the entrance door.

"Shit, sis said she won't be back for lunch, is it that ice block?" (y/s/n) grumbled under her breath and sprinted towards her bedroom.

The only problem is, the hallway to the bedroom is situated across the living room where the entrance door was at. (y/s/n) resigned to her fate and resolved to just walk past him calmly.

A phone ringing halted her steps and promptly destroyed her confidence. She leaned her back on the wall and patiently waited for him to leave.

"Brother, yes. I'm home," Ash's voice is laced with relaxation.

'So it's the infamous brother,' (y/s/n) had heard once or twice of this brother of his from (F/n). Her sister once told her that his brother ought to be dispatched abroad under the company's arrangement. If she is not mistaken, he was some sort of pharmaceutical scientist. Sounds fancy.

Due to the absence of his brother, he refused to hold the wedding which irked their parents. (F/n) barely convinced them by saying that his brother was an important figure in his life for he grew up under him after their parents died.

She snorted, 'Seems like someone got a mommy, no brother issues.'

"Did you release the second batch of cyanide already?" She heard Ash's voice again. This time it sounds so serious that she couldn't help but perk her ears to eavesdrop more.

"Last time was good. But not potent enough. It's almost discovered by the police," his voice low as he sighed.

(y/s/n) widened her eyes. What did she just hear? Is he a drug dealer?

"I need a second one, (F/n)'s sister has been around for long enough. The police won't suspect me." His voice filled with venom.

She covered her mouth to hold back the gasp that almost blew away her hiding place.

"Make it as strong as you can. Her parents would've survived if I hadn't put all the pack in their sugar cubes."

(y/s/n) felt tears welling up as she tried to control her unstable breath. She is scared. Too scared to move. What if she was discovered?

No, did he do that to her parents? Oh (F/n), what have you done?

"As soon as possible. See you soon," Ash finished the call and headed to the bedroom.

The moment she saw his back disappeared in the hallway, she sprinted towards the front door. In the midst of her panic, she accidentally kick the table's leg which almost knocked over the vase if not for her swift reflex.

Before she could take another step, she was pulled back with a sharp pain on her scalp. She yelped in fear with one hand trying to release the pressure on her head while the other stretched towards the door handle.

She was inches away from it when she heard Ash curse from behind and her body was immediately thrown on the floor.

(y/s/n) gasped in pain and tried to get back on her feet while Ash grumbled under his breath with incomprehensible words, but she could make out a few words of how she was not supposed to be here and what he was going to do now.

She could care less about what he thinks as she kicked him in the shin earning a groan from him. She took off running to her room after noticing he was blocking the front door.

She hurriedly locked the door and dragged a chair to jam it. Her hands trembled while picking up her phone, her eyes unconsciously drifted to the window. They lived on the 16th floor, she couldn't possibly jump through the window, right?

Tears of distress drenched her face, 'What should she do? What's the emergency number even? Her brain couldn't comprehend anything right now. Too scared to think, too scared to do anything.'

'He killed Mom and Dad. He was even planning to kill me. Sis, sis, sis!''

The sudden shaking at the door startled her into dropping the phone, to her dismay, the phone fell under the bed after hitting the floor. She lamented her fate as she crawl under the bed.

Halfway under the bed, the door came crashing down and Ash picked up the tumbling chair and dragged it towards the bed. He snorted at her pathetic attempt at hiding. He pulled one of her legs and drag it to him earning an earful shouting from her. He frowned in annoyance and slammed the chair on her head. The chair breaks into pieces and her body convulsed for a short while before it went still.

Ash released his hold on her and gripped his hair tightly. He started pacing around the room; mumbling inaudible words with unfocused eyes. His unstable state made him oblivious of (y/s/n) who had one hand slid under the bed and shakily typed on the phone screen.

'run, he's bad'

She couldn't find any energy to tap send. Her desperate groan grabbed Ash's attention and he strode to her and slammed the chair's leg on her head once again, knocking her out this time. One last thing she witnessed was Ash fumbling with her phone. That was the last thing she could do for her sister, but now everything is in vain.

(y/s/n) doesn't care about anything. She doesn't care about her own life because knew she was going to die this time. But her sweet and kind sister, she doesn't want her to be trapped by this devil.

'Mom, Dad, I'm scared,'

But she forgot that she is just a 16-year-old girl, who should have lived her life free of trouble. All in all, no one ever expects what awaits them in the future. After all, the future could be darkness itself.

Thanks for reading. 

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