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(F/n) tried to pull her hand from Ash's grip but failed to do so when he tightened his hold. She watched as he touch the doorknob with his thumb and a clicking sound resonate in the room before the door opened by itself. Alas, it requires a fingerprint. Who would've thought huh?

The sudden light from the outside almost blinded her, she can finally grasp the initial layout of the house. Where she came from should be an attic, but that's a massive attic one would say. They walked down the stairs and Ash guided her to the kitchen. She thought he wanted to feed her again but he kept dragging her till she saw him open the secret door in the kitchen. Just how many secret doors does he have? She should've just stayed still. Now, she doesn't know what will happen to her.

When Ash told her that he wouldn't kill her, why would she believe him? Once a killer, will always be a killer.

An awful stench sent waves of discomfort and was overwhelmingly nauseating. (F/n) covered her nose and dug her feet into the floor, trying to stop him from dragging her inside. She shook her head rapidly which Ash ignored casually.

He guided her down the small steps of the basement and smile comfortingly at her, "Wait here for a while and...do enjoy the view."

The light outside vanished the moment he closed that door, leaving her with darkness as a company. She was fumbling trying to find the switch when the light suddenly flashed on. She scrunched her nose when she smelled the metallic smell of blood. Wondering what had caused the stench, she stepped forward.

She swear she could feel her heart stop beating. Her breath failed to get inside her lungs. Her legs froze. Her body was stiff. Her lips quivered and her eyes widen in horror at the sight before her.

An ear-splitting scream escaped her lips. She brought her palms to cover her mouth but couldn't hold back the bile from coming up and started to throw up. All the food she ate left her body and even when there was only water left, she continued vomiting.

There, on the shelves, human heads are placed in a glass jar filled with green solution. Their eyes and mouth were wide open. Presumably, the last thing they experience before their death was terror.

What made her sick to the core was, all the owner of the heads was familiar to her. She recognised one of them was her senior in university. There was even her neighbour! She thought they left the town and moved to another state, but here they are. Trapped and forgotten.

She was about to turn around when she saw another familiar face. Each one of them is familiar but this particular one was her sister!

Her sobs echoed in the gloomy room. She crouched down with both hands covering her ears. She couldn't help but hear her sister screaming in pain. Calling her name harshly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," (F/n) mumbled over again under her breath.

She scurried to her feet and ran to the door where she came through.

"Ash! Let me out, please. I don't want to stay here. Please. I'm sorry, I won't do it anymore. Let me out of here. Let me out. Please," (F/n) was gasping by the time she spoke her last sentence before she toppled on the ground.

She fisted her fist and mercilessly beat her chest. Trying to get back her breath but failed miserably.

She scratched her nail on the door, hoping to get Ash's attention but before she could do more, she was out cold.

God, Please save me.


Ash opened the door in a relaxed manner, his eyes trailing on his unconscious girlfriend. He clicked his tongue before carrying her and bringing her to the attic room.

Ash carefully placed (F/n) on the soft bed. He stared at the tear marks left on her face. He patted her cheek twice lightly, without any attention to wake her up.

He glanced at the bleeding fingernails, sighing, he walked out of the room and return with a box of medicine in hand. He cleaned the wounds gently with iodine and blew on them before wrapping the wounds with bandaids.

"I love you (F/n)," he whispered, kissing her cheek and slipping into the bed beside (F/n), wrapping his arms around her to pull her closer. Ash relaxed once he inhaled the soft fragrance coming from her hair. He stared at her peaceful face before closing his eyes and entering the dream world full of his beloved (F/n).


(F/n) woke up when she felt something biting her neck. She looked down and her eyes widened when she saw a lump of black hair. Its ends were tickling her face. When she realized what he was doing, she tried to get up but his heavyweight hold her down.

"What are you doing?!" (F/n) screamed when she couldn't get away from him. Ash ignored her as he continued kissing her neck and collarbone. Both of his hands clasping hers. Intertwining their fingers.

"Stop it!" Tears running down her face. She felt helpless and powerless. She kicked her legs in the air, trying to get one or two kicks on him but was stopped when he grabbed it and nailed it on the bed with his thighs. She could finally free her hand and punched him in the face. Ash laughed at her pathetic attempt.

"Harder if you can sweetheart. That punch itches," Ash unbuckle his belt and tied her hands to the bed frame. This action of his only resulted in (F/n) panicking and started to tug her tied hands repeatedly. Ash who saw that grabbed her elbow and forced her to stop.

"Now, I don't want to hurt you (F/n). Could you please just stay still and I promise I will be gentle," Ash coaxed her, rubbing her waist up and down with darkened gaze.

"Like hell, I would!" (F/n) gashed her teeth. Her eyebrow furrowed and her eyes narrowed. Ash smiled at her defiance.

"(F/n), I would never hurt you. You will enjoy this," Ash tugged her shirt and shorts.

(F/n) shook her head, she doesn't want to do this. Her eyes should be puffy by now. From yesterday till today, all she did was cry. Come to think of it. It was just today that she arrived here. But it felt like so many things have happened. Give her a break. At least.

Her momentary distraction irate him. He harshly tore apart the rest of her clothes. (F/n) cried when Ash once again take his place over her body. She knew everything is pointless. He will never back away even if she begged him. She stared at the ceiling, wishing for someone to claim her life right now. She closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep than experiencing the pain. And once again, the world gave her disappointment. She could feel the excruciating pain. The suffocating feeling. She experienced what she doesn't want to. And she had to go through it all. By herself.

Thanks for reading. 

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