"She was less than a year in that picture." I finally gained his attention.

"She actually looks alot like you here."

"Why'd you say that?" I sat on the couch.

He turned the picture again. "The cheeks. You both have fluffy cheeks."

I unconsciously flushed and my hands automatically went to feel my cheeks.

Damn you Jayden.

You're not supposed to affect me like this.

He wasn't lying though, my cheeks were really fluffy.

He looked at a much more younger picture of Jordan. She was about a week old in that photo.

She was wearing a blue overall and her hair was covered with a white knitted cap.

His fingers trailed down and picture, I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was smiling.

I picked up my phone and FaceTimed Naomi.

"Hi Naomi." I said.

"Dearie, how are you?"

"I'm good."

"You don't look good, you like a panda."

"Really?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yes." I lied

"Liar, I'm pretty sure you've only had coffee." She frowned.

Caught red handed.

"When you pick Jordan tomorrow, I giving you real food."

I heard Jayden chuckle lightly.

"Yes Naomi, I want to speak to Jordan. Actually, someone wants to speak with her."

"Oh.". She looked curious. "Jordan!" She yelled and the camera shook a little before she placed it somewhere stable and left, and Jordan appeared.

"Hi mummy." She said.

"Hey Sweetie. How was your day?"

"I met a boy."

"What?" Jayden and I said at the same time with the same expression on our faces.

"Who's that?" Jordan poked her face into the camera.

Jayden came behind the couch and squatted and then showed his face.

"Jayden." Jordan squealed. "What are you doing at my house?"

"Hey pumpkin, your Mom invited me over and who's the boy you met?" He rasped.

"Oh he's name is Edgar." She said dreamily.

"How old is Edgar sweetie?" I persuaded.

"Oh he's 7. His birthday was last month."

Oh, he's a kid.

Jayden and I sighed in relief.

"He is really cute and his eyes are blue. Like really, really blue. And guess what?"

"What?" I asked.

"He has chocolatey skin." She squealed.

Looks like someone has a crush.

I heard footsteps around followed by a chuckle.

"She hasn't stopped talking about Edgar all day." Naomi appeared on camera again. "Oh, hey Jayden."

"Hi Mrs Sanderson." He smiled timidly

She gave us the 'you have alot of explaining to do' look.

"Mummy, why did you invite Jayden to your house at night?" Jordan quizzed.

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