A year had passed since she had visited the dark lands and although the dreams still haunted her as she slept they had never invaded her mind while she was awake.

Had going back to that god-forsaken island triggered something?

Was her mind playing tricks on her?

What was happening?

"Jesus, you look worse than I do."

The voice had her halting mid-step.

Her mind went still.

"Well, that's just rude."

Renly shot back, slowly turning around to face the still battered and bruised Arthur.

"You've been pacing for twenty minutes, Ren."

Arthur said, there was something strange in his voice.


"You've been watching me for twenty minutes? I know I'm pretty Arthur, but really, that's a bit creepy."

She said chuckling but Arthur's stern face didn't let up.


"How can I help you, your grace?

She asked with an amused smile on her face.

"You can help me by inviting me in and letting me sit down."

Arthur said leaning against the doorframe.

Renly looked around the room.

"You know, I am severely injured over here, really, hurting all over, and I just might faint, that would be a bad look wouldn't it, having the 'king' faint on your doorstep?"

Renly grinned nodding for him to come in.

"You just called yourself a king."

Renly said smugly.

"Did you completely miss the sarcasm?"

Arthur asked as he sat down on Renlys bed.

"Nope, I'm just taking it as a win anyways."

Renly sighed sitting down next to him.

"Why are you so against being king?"

"Why are you changing the subject?"

"I asked you first."

"You really didn't."

Renly sighed in defeat. Her head tilted back, eyes finding the ceiling once again.

"I'm missing something."

She muttered quietly.

Arthur looked over at her, the light of the fire painting her in a golden glow, her brows pinched together in a worried frown, lips pursed.

"Missing what?"

Arthur asked confused.

"I don't know."

Renly admitted quietly.

Renly didn't want to talk about her prophecy with Arthur.

For some strange reason, she didn't want him to know.

She turned her head back down meeting his gaze.

Her eyes trailed the bruises on his face and she could not keep herself from reaching out a hand and running her fingers softly over them.

Arthur closed his eyes at the sensation, reveling in her touch far more than he should.

"Does it hurt?"

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