Y/n - (I may have gone a bit overboard there.........Oh well.)

     --- A FEW HOURS LATER ---

Y/n is training Armin and Mikasa in ways to kill titans while Eren is still unconscious. They are currently taking a break and talking on the roof of the building that Eren is in.

Armin - How long have you known you we're a titan shifter?

Y/n - ...........It's complicated for me.

Mikasa - ...........Y/n, where did you come from.

Y/n - ................................................

Mikasa - ......Please?

Y/n lets out a heavy sigh and contemplated talking about his past. He doesn't take pride in the fact that he killed another to gain his powers. However, Y/n also does not regret his choices, they ARE what led him to meeting the people he knows and the family he loves. Not to mention his amazing partner Petra. Y/n starts to think about her when he realizes he is heating up a bit. Thankfully it didn't show as the other two we're already apologizing about asking of his past.

Y/n - I lived somewhere far away, Its an entirely different nation which won't make sense to you. But just listen for now. 

The two seemed confused but listened to Y/n's request and  both nodded.

Y/n - I was some random kid living an about average life with my family. Then they got sick and all passed away with some rare disease. I got fed up of not being able to get a job due to being young. Sure, I had the money passed down from my parents, but I knew that would only last so long. So I took a gamble. I decided to steal the titan power from royals who would only use it for no good. I then cause some.............destruction while taking the powers. The government was after me and I had to flee. I made connections and got myself into the walls. then from there............


Mikasa - ARMIN!.........listen......

Y/n - .....From there I went to live in the underground district. That's where I met my first relatives from the walls and started my life here. I met Levi in the underground. Even though I was already trained for fighting and about as strong as I could have been, Levi taught me a few things and that's where I really honed my ODM skills. Deciding I had spent enough time down there I came above the walls and met an old relative who I hadn't seen in ages. They decided to take me into their family and treated me as their own child. 

Mikasa - !!!

Y/n - But that's when everything started to go south..............I was taking a bath in the river a bit away from the house...........If only I had decided to bathe in the house I could have prevented things from happening the way they did.............

Mikasa was listening with a pain in her eyes.

Y/n - The family was broken into and the parents murdered.........I was never the same after. I enlisted in the army to cope with my loss. Then from there the Survey Corps found me. And here we are.

Armin - .........I never knew. I'm Sorry that's how things went for you.

Mikasa - .....It's not your fault.......It was never your fault............I never knew. Im sorry.

Armin seemingly understood what Mikasa was saying. Knowing her backstory already, It wasn't hard to figure it out. He just stayed silent. The tone that day never recovered. The three decided to go to sleep and continue on the second day.

--- Second day of the operation---

While having the trio train and watching over them, Y/n got some time to really think about what his goals were. Sealing off Paradis was ambitious after all, but Y/n knew it would be possible. The only issue with the plan was the warriors. They were his only real threat. While Y/n could easily deal with each individual warrior except maybe the colossal, their numbers made them scary to him. Meanwhile, Eren was being told to practice his cut on a tree.

Y/n - AGAIN!!!(So far I have only fought with the female titan. Assuming she is the most skilled in martial arts as she doesn't seem to have any unique powers feel like a fair assumption. Breaking the Armored's armor should be a piece of cake, and the colossal should simply be endurance. Easy enough I would say.)

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