twenty ♡

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It hit me like a lightning bolt – the fact that my life was spiraling into a storm that no one else could possibly brave. Right now, I was holed up in Nea's bathroom, wrestling with my makeup and my own reflection. You see, girls like me, we've got this unspoken quest for happiness, this relentless drive to sync our true selves with the faces we sometimes put on. We'd go to insane lengths to bridge that gap, to patch up the fragments of who we are – whether it meant taping, gluing, or stapling them together. We'd practically MacGyver our way to authenticity.

It's like this secret language, this cryptic code that only we insiders can decipher. A code that's way beyond the grasp of cis people living their straightforward lives. Our world's a whirlwind of unpredictability – one moment, it's sunshine and rainbows, the next it's storm clouds and chaos.

I mean, it can even venture into the realm of the surreal, where danger's lurking around corners, ready to pounce. This life? Trust me, it's a puzzle that's missing half the pieces, and I wouldn't dare wish it on my worst enemy.

I met my reflection in the mirror with a determined stare. This face held stories that you'd need a lifetime to unravel. And of course, there was lipstick, my secret weapon.

With a confident smack of my lips, I was ready to take on whatever chaos the world had in store for me. It was time to stride out, unapologetically embrace the chaos, and show everyone that a girl like me wasn't just surviving – she was thriving.

"Ari, need a hand with curling your hair or sticking with the straight look?" Nea's voice echoed from her room as she rummaged through her clothes.

"I'm going for the sleek straight vibe tonight," I called back from the bathroom, where we were both prepping ourselves for the evening ahead. "Gotta keep it sharp, ready to cut off anyone trying to mess with us," I added, my tone carrying a mix of determination and attitude.

Nea emerged from her room, showing off a cute white mini dress, with a flannel button-down draped over it, almost like she was using it as a shield against the world. I made my way over, raising an eyebrow in playful judgment.

"It's 2023, darling. We're not hiding those curves anymore," I teased, taking the flannel from her and setting it aside. "And white? Are you sure?"

Nea looked a bit uncertain, her arms crossed defensively. "Alright, maybe I'll go with this cute short jean jacket instead. It's like my security blanket," she admitted, forcing a smile. "But I still think white's kinda cute."

I shot her a skeptical look. "No drinks? No worries about someone being careless and ruining your outfit?"

She chuckled. "I don't think this party's gonna get that wild. Bryan's parents are letting him host it, and he's not exactly known for throwing wild bashes."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in response, and Nea's expression shifted from defense to conceding. "Okay, fine, maybe I'll reconsider. But still, white's kinda cute, right?"

"You're right, white is cute. Just looking out for you," I reassured her.

She turned her attention to my outfit. "Girl, you're rocking that look! And those heels – where did you find them?"

I grinned, showing off my oversized tan shirt adorned with camouflage designs. Dark green knee-high heels added an unexpected twist, and a thick black choker added an edge to the ensemble.

"Thanks! Thrift store finds are like little hidden gems waiting to be discovered," I responded with a wink. "Your mom's still at work, right?"

"Yeah, she's pulling a graveyard shift at the hospital tonight." Nea's grin was infectious as she chimed in, "I've got the 'all-clear' from my dad too. Home alone and ready to responsibly party the night away. What about you?"

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