fifteen ♡

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A/N: This chapter took a lot from me to write authentically, couldn't stop crying writing it, so please leave a vote, a comment or even follow me on my journey! *gives cookie* Thanks for reading!


In a world spinning faster than ever, where plans crumble like sandcastles against the tide, I find myself standing at the crossroads of reality and the dreams I've carefully woven. I've always been the kind of person who has their ducks in a row, their stars aligned, and their schedules color-coded. But lately, it's like the universe is chuckling at my futile attempts, conspiring to unravel my most thought-out plots. Or perhaps, I've become lost in the very mazes I've drawn for myself.

We're walking back to my car, a nice breeze brushing against our faces, and then Paul surprises me. He opens the car door like a gentleman, and our eyes meet.

My heart starts dancing to a new beat I've never heard before. His hug feels like a warm shield, breaking down the walls I put up to keep my feelings in check. I don't hate myself, but there's a feeling of letdown inside me. Life's tricky, making us question what we really want.

And then there's Paul, holding my hand with his fingers tangled in mine. The chaos around us seems to calm down. We breathe together, and in a soft voice, I promise to text him. But it's not that simple. My heart wants what it wants, no matter how much I fight it. I'm wrestling with feelings I've hidden for so long, all because of his touch.

"I'm not trying to make things weird, Ari," Paul says, like he's sharing a secret. "I don't expect you to rush into anything. I'm just bad at keeping things to myself."

I can't help but laugh a bit, "Well, you work in mental health stuff, right?"

Paul grins, "I'm actually a physician's assistant in behavioral health, but it's kinda similar."

We take a moment, the cars passing by in a blur as we talk about the things we haven't said. "I know this is tough because of Bryan," Paul admits, looking vulnerable. "And it's maybe not great that I'm Bryan's brother and I'm telling you I like you. But he had his shot. Missed it."

His gaze is intense, like he's laying out all his cards on the table. And in that moment, it hits me that life's a mess of feelings and moments we never see coming. Standing there with Paul, everything feels uncertain and clear at the same time. Funny how hearts can be louder than all the plans we make.

I can't help but grin as I glance at his Nike sneakers, a little bit in awe of how everything's unfolded. Seriously, if someone had told me all of this would happen to me, I'd probably have laughed them off. This summer has been one wild ride, that's for sure. And to think, just a few months ago, I had no idea any of this was waiting for me. Life's funny that way, isn't it?

I shake my head, half chuckling to myself. Who would've thought that my summer would turn out like this? With school looming on the horizon, just a month away, the whole situation with Paul feels like something out of a movie. I mean, he's probably like three times my age, and here he is, showing an interest in me.

"That's so strange, even if you appear so different from guys are still kind of alike."

He just gives me a knowing look as I slide into my car, and he leans over to close my door with a soft thud. The moment stretches out, the air heavy with unspoken thoughts. I start the car, the engine humming to life, and try to shake off the odd intensity of the moment.

Paul's gaze lingers on me for a beat longer before I blink and turn my attention to the road ahead, gripping the steering wheel. The engine purrs softly as I pull away, the sun dipping lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the asphalt.

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