She heads towards the sofa, and picks up her phone. I'm guessing connecting it to some speakers. Then, she returns to the centre and begins to dance.

Quietly, I open the door and slip inside.

She doesn't notice.

I creep to the corner of the room and lean against the wall as I watch her.

It seems that the studios are soundproof because I couldn't hear a thing outside but In here, the melody vibrates against the wall behind me.

Her phone lights with a notification and I chance a look at the screen to see which song she's dancing to.

Dark Paradise: Lana Del Rey.

I return my gaze to her and once I do so, I can't seem to look away.

Every turn. Every extension of her arms. Every leap and bend and breath that she takes has me mesmerised. Like she's a fucking goddess and I'm being enchanted without a care for freedom.

Jesus Christ.

She's beautiful.

Her eyes are open but it's as if she's blind to everything around her.

All that matters is the music and her body and the way they move together with a seamless flawlessness I couldn't conjure with a knife to my throat.

No. Never in my life could I ever imagine something so magnificent.

She's beguiling and bewitching and graceful and elegant and everything I should stay far away from.

She radiates purity and light and if I get too close, my shadows might just swallow her whole.

Her lips part as she jumps in the air, legs split and arms raised towards the heavens.

A place she will get to know well, no doubt. It's wheee she belongs. Showered with goodness and prosperity. All that she deserves.

I'm not certain how much time passes. I just watch. Admiring the absolute beauty that is her until she stops. Breathing heavy, head tipped to the chandelier above.

She transports over to the sofa again, bringing her bottle to her lips. She sits down and lays her head into the back of it. But she doesn't stop the song, which has been playing on repeat for so long it sounds like living.

"So this is what you do." I don't even mean to speak. It just comes out. Like she's a queen and I'm desperate for her attention.

She chokes on a deep inhale and falls over herself as she stands, stumbling a few paces back.

I push away from the wall, walking to her.

It's like she's reeling me in. A hypnosis I can't escape.

For every three steps she takes, I do one. Her back hits the mirrors and I cage her in, my head towering over hers and my hands pressed against the cool surface.

Her eyes are wide and laced with shock as they gaze into mine.

"Darius." She breathes.

Not in control of my own body, my head falls down to hers.

"Tella." I whisper back.

She freezes. Mouth opening as those diamond eyes widen.

"What... what did you say?"

"Tella." I repeat. Voice raw. Like I haven't spoken in a thousand years.

"Wh- Why-?"

I touch her cheek with the back of my hand. Allowing my fingers to trail down to her neck and press onto her pulse.

Her heart is racing. And for the first time ever in my life, for reasons other than the thrill of breaking someone, I think mine is, too.

I can hear it. Echoing in the caverns of my head.

Our noses touch and I feel an electric spark shoot up my spine.

"Darius, what-?" She can't speak. Every time she tries, her words are lost to the soundtrack of our current situation. "Do- Do you...?"

"Do I What, darling?" I ask. Lips hovering above hers. Mere centuries apart.

"Do you remember me?"

"Remember you?"

She blinks, eyes glassy. "Please." She pleads.


"Please." More desperation.

"Please What?"

She inhales shakily, swallowing and then pushes me away. Hurrying to collect her bag and phone before running out of the door.

I stand there, feeling the absence of her presence like a cold bucket of ice on my head.

What the fuck just happened?

Enchanted  (Billionaire Boys Club #2) |  ongoing Where stories live. Discover now