Chapter 5

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"That is none of your concern Hidan-san" the young raven stated as he turned to face the said boy

"Like hell it is you fucking weasel! We have f*cking known each other for how many g*dd*mn years already!"

"He's right Itachi-kun" agreed the blue haired female in the class

Knowing that they won't back down, Itachi let out a small huff in defeat

"Hn, do you know of a Sasori in this school Zetsu?" he asked



Sasori sweat dropped as he watched Sakura sneakily grab an ice cream tub from the kitchen's refrigerator.

"What are you doing Sakura?"

Startled, the pinkette almost dropped what she was holding

"Geez Sasori-san do you want to give me a heart attack?"

Shaking his head, his hair swaying together with the movement the copper tint more visible under the kitchen's artificial lighting, Sasori grabbed the nearby stool and seated himself.

"So what's wrong?"


He raised a brow

"You are acting quite unusual"

"E-eh? Uh..."

"What is it?"

"I-I just have a tickle in my feet"

Unconvinced, the red head stood and stepped closer to the girl.

But as he was reaching his hand out, the sharp sound of the doorbell ringing pierced through the tense air.

"I-I'll get the door Sasori-san. Be right back!"

Sighing, Sasori had no other choice but to let her go and transform back into his puppet form with an inaudible poof.


The gang stood and waited outside the Haruno residence trying to find a way to infiltrate the mansion unknown

"Is the backdoor locked Zetsu?" Pein asked


"Ugh this is imposible, un!" Deidara huffed

"Why don't we just ring the bell?"



They looked back towards the door only to find a poker faced Uchiha Itachi, his hand raised in a suspicious manner hovering over a small white button.


The silence the room was engulfed in was smoldering, suffocating.

***it was only up to here when I first published this chapter***

Everyone fidgeted in their seats aside from a tangerine head and a black haired, still poker faced, Uchiha.

"A-ano Pein-san, what are you all doing here?" Sakura asked

A pregnant silence was her reply


"Sasori" the young Uchiha heir intervened.


Sighing, the only female guest stood up and approached the seated pinkette, crouching to face level and patting her head quite affectionately.

"Gomen Saku-chan, but these gu- I mean , we were just curious and worried about you." Konan said softly, emphasizing the word 'we' when they all glared sharply at her.

Titling her head in a confused and*cough* cute*cough* manner, Sakura asked why they would.

"U-uh ano... Itachi will explain that to you" She quickly passed the baton to the unassuming boy.

Choking on the tea he was drinking, Kisame started patting his back in hopes of helping him breathe properly but only ended up doing the opposite.

Itachi glared at him before straightening his back and once again regaining his composure.

"We are here to ask you about your friend Sakura-san."

"Eh? Which friend?"

"Saso-" but before Itachi could finish, he was cut off by a cold voice that seemed to echo throughout the large household.

" I believe the little heir is talking about me, Sakura."

A/N: It's not that much of an addition really hehe (^◇^)( ̄▽ ̄)

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