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The next morning was the same routine but I had woke up to a text from bill.

Bill: sooo how was your little date last night ;)

Me: It was good. We made out....

Bill: OH MY GODDDDD. was it good?

Me: well it was kinda average. Tom was kinda better though.

Bill: yeah. About tom, he's like not happy at all. He brought Alexa over and yk.

Me: that's disgusting. But why is he angry?

Bill: because he thought you liked him.

Me: I've known him for like 3 days or something.

Bill: I told him that but he doesn't care. Let me pick you up and take you to school.

Me: okay. I'll send you my address. Thank you <3


I send my address and I begin to get ready, doing my hair and makeup basically the same as yesterday. I pick out an outfit and get ready. 

I change and go get my breakfast

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I change and go get my breakfast. As I finish eating and I get a text from bill saying he's outside. I get up quickly and gather my things, "leaving so soon?" My dad speaks up. "Well i have to go dad."
I say back to him with a little attitude. He laughs and mumbles something before I walk out of the house and run over to bills car. Whilst I'm hopping in the back I see Tom in the passenger seat but I see another girl in the seat behind him.

After I realise who it is I see bill give me a look and I feel my blood boil at the sight of Alexa. "Morning bill." I say breaking my silence. "Hi grumpy. Sleep well?" He replies to me and I just nod and groan in reply. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Alexa looking at my outfit and she began to speak "I'm Alexa. I saw you yesterday right?" She holds out my hand to shake and I take it, gently shaking it. "Y/n." I throw her a fake smile and I see toms face get extremely furious

As bill begins to drive I reach into my bag and take out some gum, I take a strip out and I see Alexa looking at me. "Want one?" I say, trying to keep it as calm as possible. "I'd love one thank you." She smiles politely and takes one. I pop the gum in my mouth and I begin to chew. We get closer to school I begin to think, maybe Alexa isn't so bad? I only don't like her because she had something with Tom. But then I still have 'something' with Charlie?

Then I get snapped out of my trance by bills voice "so how was your night? Was it interesting?" I wonder why he's asking me again but I begin to tell him anyways because I want to annoy tom. "It was good. We went to his house and watched a movie in his room." I reply to him and I see toms jaw clench at my words. "So you two made out?" Bill adds on to his questions. I nervously laughed and spoke "I guess so yeah.". Tom looks over at me with a jealous look on his face and I just roll my eyes.

We arrive at school and we all get out.
Bill and I link arms and walk to our first class.

—— end of school ——

I grab my things from my locker and suddenly I feel like someone is behind me. I turn around and jump a little bit, not expecting Alexa to be there. "Hi y/n! I was just wondering if I could get your number? You seem kinda cool." She asks with a smile on her face. She was actually really pretty and I had never noticed. She's also really sweet, like today every time I've seen her in the hallway she's waved or smiled. "Oh sure." I tell her before writing my number onto a piece of paper and ripping it from the page. After I give it to her, her smile remains just as wide as before. "Thank you. Can I text later?" Alexa spoke again. "Of course you can." I say.  We say goodbye and she walks away, i watch as she walks out, I don't even realise I am now smiling and looking weirdly into the distance.

Maybe, she wasn't as bad as I was expecting . I kinda want to be friends with her.

Yeah I know it's a short chapter but it's 03:02 am rn and I'm sooo tired. What do you guys wanna see in the story. Lmkkk!!

London girl.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant