• t h r e e •

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After school Bill and I exchanged numbers so I could get ready at his house with him later. I went straight home to a warm dinner on the table. I sat and told my parents and my sister about my day. "I made some new friends today." "Oh really, what's their names?" My father piped up. "Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg." I told him. My father glared at me confused at why they were all boys. "What am I not allowed to have male friends?" I asked before taking a bite of my food. "You are..it's just I didn't expect it to be all boys. That's all I'm saying." He spoke honestly and I just shrugged and continued eating and talking.

I later went upstairs to my room to shower. I checked my phone to see a message from bill.

Bill: Hey Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to get ready at my place? Just so
we can head straight to the party after.

Me: Hi bill! Yeah if that's okay with your parents of course! I could have my mum drop me off :)

Bill: They said it was okay. I'll send you the address now! 42 booty drive. I'll see you at 6?

Me: Thank you! See you soon :)

I shower and I pick out an outfit before gathering some makeup and my hair tools/products and i put them in a bag. I ask my mum to drop me off at Bills place and she agrees. We hop in the car and she drops me off. I feel a sudden wave of nerves come over me as I remember Tom will be here too and I look like a mess. I quickly prepare myself and I thank my mum and I get out, walking to the front door and knocking.

Bill rushes to the door and opens it. Greeting me and letting me in. "My parents went out to dinner so it's just Me you and Tom." He says. I nod to say okay and he takes me up to his room.

This is kinda what bills room looks like just a bit bigger and darker 😁

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This is kinda what bills room looks like just a bit bigger and darker 😁

I stand and admire his room and the few posters on the wall. "I love your room bill." I say truthfully. "Thank you! I was afraid it was too messy." He said with a small chuckle on the end.

We begin to get ready, whilst listening to music we both like. "Hey bill is there anywhere I can get changed?" I asked. "Oh yeah my bathroom." He points to the bathroom and I thank him before walking in and locking the door. I change into my outfit

This is what you're wearing (if you don't like it then suffer ❤️)

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This is what you're wearing (if you don't like it then suffer ❤️)

Before I walk out of the bathroom I hear another male voice and I realise it's Tom and I get nervous. I fix myself up and unlock the door, walking out and putting my folded outfit into my bag. I feel toms eyes scan my body as I'm turned away from him. I turn back around and look at him before giving him a nervous smile. "Hey Tom." I shakily spoke. "Hi beautiful." He said before looking me up and down again. I roll my eyes and feel my face begin to heat up. "Y/N you look so good!" Bill excitedly said. I smiled and said "thanks bill. What are you gonna wear?". He goes to his closet as Tom is still standing admiring me.

I walk over to the desk and sit on the chair, taking out my makeup bag and waiting for bill to change. Tom walks over to the bed and sits where I can see him. "I don't think you should wear that." He finally speaks. I look at him with a confused look on my face and say "why? Is there something wrong with it?". "No it's just I don't want anyone else looking at you." He says with a seductive sort of expression. I laugh and turn back around "I only met you today and you're already being flirty." I say and bill walks out of the bathroom. I turn back around to see his outfit.

He's wearing something similar to this gorgeous masterpiece

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He's wearing something similar to this gorgeous masterpiece.

I look at his outfit and smile. "You look great bill!" I honestly say and he thanks me before we both begin to do our makeup. He does his signature look and I go sort of natural but glam at the same time. By this time Tom had already left the room and went back to his own. We were both ready so we got ready to leave. Bill guided me to toms room so we could all leave for the party.

This is kinda what toms room looks like

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This is kinda what toms room looks like

I take a second to observe his room a little before he gets up and we all walk downstairs. Tom goes into the fridge to grab some drinks for us. He hands me and bill some canned drinks and we thank him before leaving for the party.

I know the past 3 chapters are boring but I promise the next one is JUICY. 😉

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