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It was my first day of my new school. I don't know why but I wasn't nervous. Usually my anxiety would play a huge roll in this sort of thing. But today was different, I felt excited and ready to finally meet some new people. One thing I knew Is that I am going to make this school my bitch.

After my morning shower I began to get ready. Drying my hair, straightening it, applying some light makeup before changing into the planned outfit. I wore some baggy jeans, a tight fitting shirt that hugged my curves, a snap back and I paired it with a pair of sneakers. I walked downstairs and my mum had prepared a small breakfast consisting of eggs and bacon. I ate my food before saying goodbye and leaving for the walk to school.

The school was huge. Larger than any other I had been in. I walked to the front desk where I collected my weekly schedule. I began searching for my Form Tutors classroom. Struggling, I walked up to a boy with black spiked hair and a similar outfit to mine and I gently tapped his shoulder.

"Oh- can I help you?" He spoke with a thick German accent. "I was wondering if you knew where classroom 11a is? I've been struggling to find it." I nervously replied as he was stunned to hear my British accent like he had never heard one before. "That's my tutor class too! I can take you. I'm Bill by the way, Bill kaulitz." He spoke excitedly as he reached out to shake my hand which I politely shook his hand. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N" I told him.

We walked to class together as we conversed about our lives in Germany and Mine in London. We reached the classroom and anxiety hit me like a brick. Walking into the classroom for the first time scared me. I quickly walked in and found a seat next to Bill. Quickly, we went back to our conversation as I told him about myself. I found out he was in an extremely famous Band called 'Tokio hotel' with his Twin brother and two friends. I had never really heard about Tokio hotel, maybe once or twice on the radio but in reality I had no idea who they were.

I know this is short but I'm still planning and I have no idea what else to write 😁

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