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I had the urge to make a schrei joke in the title but it would be weird so I decided not to. 😁)

After school, I go home and I go upstairs before changing into something more comfortable. With that being some gym shorts and a random t-shirt from my wardrobe. As I'm changing I hear my phone buzz on my dresser, I walk over and picking it up, seeing a message from Tom on my screen. Before I open the message I sit on my bed and get myself comfortable, grabbing my headphones and playing Diva - Beyoncé (imagine I am Sasha fierce was out in 2006 😭) I finally decide to open the message.
Tom: hey you left some stuff at my house. Can I bring it over?

Me: What did I leave? I'm pretty sure I got everything when I left.

Tom: you left a lip thing here. I don't know what it is but I like the colour so.

Me: I Could just get it at school if it's easier?

Tom: I'd much rather bring it to you now, and maybe I could sneak you out?

Me: I'm kinda already sneaking out later so :)

Tom: who with?

Me: just Charlie. We're gonna hang out, sorry tom.

'Left on read 1 minute ago'

I waited and waited for a response. I came to the conclusion he just didn't care and I heard my mum shout from downstairs "Y/N! Anastasia! Dinners ready!" I take off my headphones and get up, I leave my room and walk downstairs, my little sister following close behind me.
We sit down at the dining table and my dad puts our plates on the place mats.

—— after dinner ——

I go back up to my room and I check the time, 6:30 pm exactly. Before I turn my phone off another message pops up on my phone, this time it's from an unsaved number. I click the message and it reads.

"Hey it's Charlie. I'll be on my way soon. Are you in the bedroom at the front of the house? Or the back?"

I save the number as "Charlie :)" and I begin to text back.


Me: hi Charlie :) I'm at the front. I could probably get out the front door, my parents just chill in their bedroom after dinner so they're probably coming up soon.

Charlie :) : are you sure? I was thinking I could pull of some crazy climbing moves and climb up to your window and help you out. But whatever, as long as you get out ;)

Me: I doubt you could climb up here. I don't think you have it in you, but I could get out the door. Let me know when you're outside Charlie :)

Charlie:) : Of course. Wear something comfortable. It won't be on for long anyway so it doesn't matter ;)


I laugh at his last message, highly doubting he'll even have his hand on my thigh never mind taking my shirt off, I don't think he has it in him. It just didn't feel the same as it did with Tom. I keep thinking back to the way he pleased me. Quickly, I snapped out of my trance and got up going over to my dresser and touching up my hair and makeup. I pick out a perfume that I think he would like. After I freshen myself up I hear my phone buzz once again and I see a message from Charlie just letting me know he's outside.
I begin to get nervous and I grab my keys And my purse just Incase we go to the store or something.

London girl.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant