• s e v e n •

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The rest of the day is pretty boring, we just watch movies and talk about things. I feel a buzzing in my pocket and I realise my phone is ringing so I stand up and move out of the way to take the call. I answer the phone and I hear my mothers voice beam down the phone. "Where are you young lady?! You better get home now! We've been worried sick!". Oh yeah. Did i forget to mention I completely forgot to tell her I was staying out? "Mum I'm sorry. I'm at a friends house. I'll be home soon." I say back to her, trying to calm her down. "What friend? You only started school yesterday!" She replies. "Bill and toms." I say nervously not knowing how she'll react to me staying at a boys house.

"You stayed at a boys house?!" I heard my dads voice ring down the phone. Now
Knowing my mum had my dad with her I was even more scared for what I was in for when I got home. "Yes dad. Nothing happened I promise." I say knowing full well that was a lie. "Get home now. We'll talk when you get here." My mum speaks again. I tell her I'll be home and I hang up before walking back into the living room.

"Who was it?" Tom spoke, looking up at me. "My parents. I need to go, they're really mad." I reply whilst gathering the few things I had. "Want me to walk you home? It's beginning to get dark." Tom says and stands up. "I'll be okay." I say to him. "Okay. Text me when you get home." He says with a certain hint of protection in his voice. I nod to him and I look down at his hoodie I still have on. "Do you want this back?" I speak quickly as I rush to leave. "I'll be okay without it. Just don't ruin it okay?" He replies and i nod to him before leaving and walking back home.

—— at home ——
I walk in and I see my parents sat at the dinner table and i see their eyes dart to me mid conversation. "You look like a mess!" My mum shouts with a hint of anger in her voice, the rest being worried. I nod silently and I sit opposite them at the table. "Y/n we are extremely disappointed." My father speaks up with real disappointment in his voice. "You didn't tell us where you were last night and we were worried. You are grounded until I say you aren't. Understand?" He speaks to me again. "What? That's so unfair! I've only been here a day!" I speak with annoyance laced throughout my words. "Exactly! Go to bed Y/N. You have school Tomorrow" my mum says, agreeing with my dad.

I get up and walk out, taking my things with me, and waking into my room. I flop onto my bed and take my phone out and I begin to text Tom.


Me: Hey tom. I'm sorry I left in such a rush.

Tom: It's okay I get it. Did everything go okay?

Me: not really. Apparently, I'm grounded until my dad says I'm not. Makes no sense but I had to listen to her.

Tom: That's boring. I was going to take you somewhere tomorrow night or something. But looks like I can't.

Me: Take me somewhere? What's that supposed to mean?

Tom: Exactly what it says. Now go to bed and get some sleep.

Me: Boring. But fine. Goodnight Tom :)

Tom: Goodnight gorgeous.


I feel my heart flutter at the little nickname. I was so attracted to him and I had no clue why. I heard he never kept a girl for long. I pray it's not true because there's seriously something about him that makes me feel so special.

I have a quick shower and I put my pyjamas on before flopping onto my bed and letting myself drift into a deep sleep.

what do we think? Give me suggestions on what I should add into the story! I'm struggling to think rn lol 🫢

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