End of It

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We've been staying here for a few days now, and I've barely talked to anyone except Zelda, Oliver, and Evangelos because well, they're the only ones who actually got me to talk and came to my room to watch movies and hang out.

It's almost three in the morning and I can't sleep. I walk downstairs to the kitchen, grab a water bottle and go to the gym. I'm honestly relieved there's a gym, I haven't been working out lately and I can blow off some steam. Not like me and Jackson didn't blow off steam by killing a bunch of people, they deserved it.

When I get to the gym I connect my phone to the speakers, I want to listen to my playlist. It's loud but I don't think it's loud enough to wake everyone up.

I'm Evangelos' grey sweatpants and a hoodie, I take the hoodie off leaving me in a black sports bra. I start with the treadmill and do a mix of walking and running before I got off and moved to the punching bags.

I punch it over and over, blood running down my knuckles. I am completely lost in my thoughts, like why did my uncle and aunt have to take me away from my family? Why did they have to sell me to the Irish? Why can't I just be normal and not have people trying to kill me? I know the answer to that one, it's because I'm a murderer, a monster and I don't think that I'll ever be able to live normally.

I don't know if everyone has been trying to figure out this contract but I know I have been working on it a lot, I can't marry Jackson but if we don't figure out a loophole or marry then the mafia world would probably erupt in chaos. I know that sounds dramatic but if the top three mafias don't abide by the rules then the lower-ranking mafias won't either and without the rules war would break out.

I take a break and chug my water, sitting down on the bench that's sitting against the wall. I lean my head back and sigh, staring at the ceiling. How did I get here? I feel like I'm sinking into this deep dark hole and I can't see any exit signs.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear someone walk in, it's Jackson. He walks in with his gym bag and looks up at me, I know he sees the blood running down my hands. I look down at my phone and see it's already six in the morning, I've been in here for three hours.

Jackson sighs and I honestly thought he was about to lecture me but instead, he asks me if I want to train with him. I agree, standing up to get ready. I like training with him because we try to be better than each other making us both work harder.

We both get on separate treadmills and we start, it's just a slow jog until we make it go into a run. Jackson and I have been running for close to an hour. We both stop and go to the other side of the room that has a target set up and knives laying out.

We throw the knives for a while, it got boring because were both good knife throwers so I had an idea. "Let's stand against the target and have the other person throw the knife at them?" I ask him, it sounds fun and dangerous but I trust his abilities and I'm sure he trusts mine.

After I let him throw them at me, not flinching at all, we switch places. I throw the knife right beside his knee,  it hitting the wooded target. I throw another towards his shoulder, he still doesn't flinch. Right as I hear the door open, I throw one at his head. The blade landed right above his head, not harming him at all. I see Jackson's face turn emotionless, I momentarily disregarded someone had come in.

I turn around, seeing River staring at us wide-eyed. "I was told to come get you for breakfast, Maxim figured you would have found the gym since you weren't in your room," he says before turning around and leaving. I tell him 'okay' before turning around to smirk at Jackson, I throw a blade at his shoulder but he moved when I threw it which made it stab into his shoulder.

This time I was eyes-wide and ran out of the gym and to the kitchen. I know he wouldn't hurt me or even be mad but I was feeling childish and obviously, he was too since he ran after me.

"It was your fault," I yell, running into the kitchen and hiding behind Henry. He and Maxim don't even look confused, they know because we've done this a few times.

"How is it my fault you stabbed me?" he exclaimed jogging into the kitchen, slightly out of breath and sweaty. Were both sweaty from training and were both still shirtless.

"Okay enough, yall were playing with knives it was Octavias' turn and you moved which made her stab you, and then because you wanted to act like children, you ran in here. Octavia hiding behind Henry because we both know that he won't let you get to her and we know that I would because she can protect herself," Papa states. Yeah, we all knew that but it doesn't mean he has to call us out on it.

Papa starts talking again, " And kids go shower and put clothes on, were not running a brothel," Okay first of all that was rude, and second of all were not even dressed like that. We only need shirts and other than that we're covered up and who uses the word brothel anymore?

Before we could argue Papa and Maxim gave us a look which made us groan but run to race each other upstairs.

I shower and put on one of Evangelos' black hoodies and another pair of his sweatpants because his clothes are so much more comfortable and he never told me I couldn't wear them.

I walk out of my room and make my way to the kitchen. Upon walking in I already see Jackson sitting down, smirking at me. I flip him off before sitting down beside Evangelos. Everyone is making quiet conversation with each other and I sit here holding Evangelos' hands and playing with his rings.

"I know no one has talked about the contract much," Henry starts, making almost everyone in the room tense up. "But I know some of us have been trying to work on it and I believe Henry and I may have found a lead," he finishes. Everyone looks at him in surprise, I'm even surprised.

Before they could explain what they found Lorenzo, my Biological father speaks, "I thought we were just going to let it happen? I mean, she's my daughter and this alliance could benefit all of us," he says carelessly.

"Did this man just say what I think he said?" I question out loud in disbelief, I know the dumb question but I'm getting angry. "Yeah, I think he did Octavia," Jackson replies in the same tone of unbelief.

"This isn't just about some alliance Mr. Romano, this is about our lives. Octavia has someone that she loves, maybe you haven't gotten this through your thick head but any positive emotions are kind of hard for her when it comes to relationships, letting someone get that close," Jackson tells him coldly, I want to say something but I don't exactly know what to say without snapping.

"And you know, maybe I have someone waiting for me back home," he finishes before looking at me. I knew he was head over heels for this girl he had met when we went to Texas and he told me they have been talking and texting.

"I didn't think you were being for real about that when you told me about that,"  I didn't think he was actually being serious when he said he could do long distance. Jackson just nods his head and smiles.

"Octavia will not be marrying anyone she doesn't want to, that's the end of it," Papa says before I stand up and leave.

I don't think that is the end of it.

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