Dr.Pepper, Oreos, and Gremlins

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Via left the room quickly, I knew something was wrong and I'm guessing she likes kids from the way she was conversing with my little cousins. I grab little four year Liam and walk around trying to find her. Well she's not outside or the hospital wing, or the kitchen, so I walk towards my room and see her cuddled under the blankets, watching Frozen II. She was zoned out when we walked in so I put Liam down and told him that Via needed one of his magnificent hugs. I have to help him get onto the bed but after that, I see her look at me, acknowledging that I'm standing here. 

Liam jumps on top of her making her groan and laugh. Liam wraps his arms and legs around her, giving her a hug like I told him to. "Now that Via got a hug can I watch frozen with her?" he asks in his little toddler voice, messing up a few words

"Can I join?" I ask him but he shakes his head no surprising me and making Via laugh. "If you let me join I'll let you cuddle with Via," I bargain with him to make him feel like he's getting something out of it because either way I'm not leaving. Liam starts whispering to Via and she whispers back before Liam starts smiling. "You can join and cuddle with me and Via if you get us oreo's" he says grinning. 

I know this is her doing but I would have gotten them either way. I walk downstairs to the kitchen to get oreos when I hear Maxim yelling into his phone, I didn't eavesdrop though I got the oreo's and Dr. Peppers and was about to make my way upstairs but Maxim stopped me, "Evangelos come here so we can talk," he looks down to see what's in my hands and he smiles, "She put you up to this for the price of cuddling?" he asks me like he's done it before. "Yep, both her and Liam set me up." I had a ghost smile on my face. 

"I need you to do me a favor and it is super important, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't urgent." he says seriously. 

"Anything, what do you need?" I ask him, "None of them know yet but all three of them are to stay here for the next two weeks, the Romanos had some sort of business to do and it was extremely important so they all had to go, the Romanos extended family had went back home too. What I'm asking is that you stay here for the next two weeks to keep them safe and in-check and Octavia sane, she likes you so please don't fuck that up because I guess I kinda like you too," he asks me or more like he's pleading. 

"I have some urgent business that needs taken care of, I don't want them in danger. The Irish are planning their way here and I need to take care of things before they get here, The Romanos think they are with me in Italy so everything should be fine as of right now." he says. "Of course I'll stay, I understand it's urgent and important if your willing to leave your kids, but I'll keep them safe." I tell him honestly. I like the idea that he is starting to like me,

"I should go before they get mad because I'm taking forever," I playfully roll my eyes, he laughs but tells me, "When she is mad about food run your hands through her hair and she'll stop being mad." he then walks away and I went upstairs. 

"I'm back, it took forever finding what I needed," I said. They aren't too happy, because they groaned out a "Finally" and started getting comfortable.  I look at the tv and see it isn't on Frozen anymore but on the Lion King. If we're being honest I haven't seen this one either. 

Liam is laying on top of Via, using her boobs as pillows and that's honestly not fair because that's my spot. I glare at him a little before I gently grabbed and pulled Via to me. I'm laying my head on her shoulder and runs her fingers through my hair when I get comfortable, our legs getting tangled. I see Liam feed her an oreo and I can't help but smile at them. No one would have thought that the most ruthless killer is actually a giant sweetheart. I guess some could say the same about me but I'm not as ruthless.

I notice Liam falling asleep around the middle of the movie and so is Via, I quietly get up and grab extra blankets because Liam is a blanket hog and she is to sometimes. I turned the tv and lamp off but I kept the door open incase they came looking for their kid. After laying back down in the position as earlier, I began falling asleep. 

I woke up to people talking, but I realize that Via is laying her head on my chest with her leg sprawled across mine and the kid is laying directly on top of me like he was with her. I look at the door to see who in the hell just woke me up, "who is it?" Via asks, damn I guess she got some spidey senses too. I tell her to go back to sleep and she doesn't argue. I see my dad, her Papa, Aunt Abby and Uncle Tobias.

"What do you want?" I whisper, trying not to wake them up. I realize this isn't going to work, she wakes up at any sound. I slowly remove myself from under the gremlins before I walk out of the room, the uninvited company following. I gently close the door before saying normally, "What did you guys want?" they just looked at me for a moment. I'm so tired and all I want is to lay back down and go to sleep but no, they have to waste my time. 

"We couldn't find Liam and I had forgotten that you had gotten him earlier until now," Tobias said lowly, trying to be quiet. "Did you want him or something? Because if that is all you can have your girl-stealing child," they look at me confused until I opened the door and see Liam sprawled out on top of her again. "He started whispering with Via before he told me if I wanted to join them then I had to go get them Dr.Pepper and Oreos. Then for most of the night he laid on Via until we fell asleep and somehow got to how we were when you guys came in. If that is all I'm tired and I wanna go back to sleep so goodnight," 

They say a few "good nights"  and a "what the fuck" as I'm walking back into my room, I crack the door and look at my alarm clock and its 2 in the morning. How could you just now realize your kids gone. 

I get back into bed and pull them, well Via but Liam is on top of her, I pull them close and lay on Vias shoulder like I was before we fell asleep. I slowly ran my hands through her hair until I fell back to sleep.

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