21 Questions

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*Evangelos pov*

I sat still for a few minutes to make sure she wasn't gonna wake up again.
After I stood up, Killian closed the car door and didn't say a word.

I know what he's thinking about. He's thinking about the time when he was held captive by the Irish Mafia. When Killian came to us he talked about a girl that had beautiful eyes and took all of his beatings.

Killian's exact words when he opened up to me were
"She was my angel, I only have 1 scar and that's only because they figured out I was her weakness."
Killian talked about that day once to me but it was so tragic I never forgot it.

He said he was chained to the floor as always, in the same room as her except she was chained to the chair in the middle of the room. He said they beat her every day because she wouldn't let him get hit. Killian still dreams about it sometimes.

Killian said he never knew her first name as she never told anyone but she told him her middle name was Faye. That's what he called her. She called him Elliot because that's his middle name.

When we got up to the penthouse, she started moving and I knew she was waking up. I took her to my room and set her down on the bed.

She opened her eyes and looked around but when her eyes landed on me she seemed to calm down. That made me smile.

I went to my closet and pulled out a black t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants with drawstrings because of how small she is.

I walk out of my closet to see her sitting on the bed with her head on her knees, wrapping her arms around herself.

I walk over and bend down in front of her, before I could say anything she says "I know you helped me not harm myself during my nightmare" I was taken aback because I didn't think she would remember.

I didn't know what to say so I just smiled softly and said "We forgot your bag in the car, so if you want to you can wear these for tonight and if you want to take a shower, it's that way" I speak softly point to the door across the room.

Octavia thanks me before she walks towards the bathroom.

After like 15-20 minutes she walks back towards the bed in a tired state, rubbing her eyes. I get up, walk towards her and move her hands away from her eyes. "That's not good for your eyes," I say seriously but she laughs a little it sounded so small and tired though.

I grab her hand and lead her to the kitchen, I already see Killian looking for food. He looks up and claims he'll just order takeout. I looked towards Octavia to see if she was good with that and she nodded tiredly.

Killian noticed I was trying to keep her awake so he decided he wanted to play 21 questions.

I agreed after thinking for a few seconds but Octavia seemed reluctant she eventually agreed anyway.

Killian was the only one who wanted to ask the questions so that is what he did, he asks how old each of us was, he said "22" and I said "24" and lastly Octavia said, "17" none of us said anything about the ages and Killian continued his game, "Favorite colors?" 

"Black" I answered quick
"Black and Red" Octavia answered while Killian was thinking hard about this.
"Purple, it'll always be purple," he said calmly.

"Favorite childhood memory?"
"Nerf gun fight with my younger brothers, then mom and dad joined" I stated after a minute or two of thinking.

I think Killian was waiting for Octavia to answer but when he looked up, she was zoned out, void of any emotion.

I slowly grabbed her hand and she quickly looked up at me and smiled.

Killian got the hint to move on so he asked all the countries we've lived in.

I answered Greece and Italy.
Octavia answered Italy, the United States, Ireland, Russia, and Germany.

I looked at Killian and he answered with Italy, Greece, and Ireland.

The last country he stated made Octavia's head turn to look at him so fast. I wonder what she's thinking so hard about.
Killian seems to be thinking too.

Killian finally speaks up "This is the final question. What is your middle name?" I realize why he is asking these questions after he said asked this one. I think he believes Octavia is the girl in the cell with him in Ireland.

I answered first because it seems that no one else would, "Apollo"
It was quiet for a moment, Killian realized she wouldn't speak before him so he did "Elliot"

As he said his middle name we watched her reaction, her body went stiff, and any emotion on her face before was gone, I've never seen someone look so dead inside.

Octavia looked Killian in the eyes and answered his question "Faye"

As she said this no one said a word until she broke it.
"I thought when I helped you escape you said you would stay out of this life" she looked at him calmly, too calmly if you ask me.

Killian looked down guiltily before responding "I felt guilty that I left you, I was trying to find you."

Killian looked up at her with tears falling down his face. She got up and sat in front of him wiping his tears away as they fall.

I've seen him sad before but I have never seen him look this broken.
I see him look down at her arms again before he asks her a question that makes me hold my breath "can I see" he said softly.

When I thought she was about to walk away, she turned around and sat down in front of him again.

He lifted the back of the shirt I gave her to wear and at first glance, it just looks like a beautiful, giant tattoo but if you look closer you can see the thick scars.

I moved in front of her and lifted her chin to look at me, she looked so tired right now. I noticed she flinched when he touched her back but she didn't pull away from him.

I understand what he meant now when he said she always put his wants and needs first and how he was convinced she was older than him.

I looked across her facial features noticing a small scar on her eyebrow and a slightly bigger one on her forehead.

Killian scared the shit out of me when he took in a large gasp of air.

His mouth was opening and closing like a blobfish.

Like he was too shocked to speak.

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