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Everyone is in the kitchen but Evangelos, Jackson, and Octavia. A few minutes later none of them show up so we send Oliver to get Jackson and Zelda to get Octavia. Oliver came back faster than we expected him to, "Jackson isn't in his room," he said, sitting back down. I don't think anything of it because he could be in Octavia's room or something.

Almost ten minutes later Zelda comes back but with Evangelos and not Octavia. Evangelos sat down angrily, not saying a word and just glaring at the table. "What's wrong son?" Collin, his Father asked. Instead of saying anything Evangelos harshly grabbed a paper out of his pocket and shoved it towards me, Collin, and Lorenzo.

'I love you, needed to get away before we hurt someone. We will be back in a week, my love,' the small Post-it note reads.

I look down at my phone and look at the date which read October 4th. I'm sure she found out about the contract and told Jackson. "They found it," I said, speaking to Lorenzo and Henry. "That's good, she'll take time to cool off and eventually she will no longer be upset," Lorenzo said looking deep in thought.

Henry and I both glared at him but before we say anything Evangelos does, "What are yall talking about?" he asks coldly, that being the first time he had said anything. I didn't want to tell him before we could talk to Octavia and Jackson and Lorenzo is acting completely different than he had when Octavia had first returned to the Romanos. Lorenzo is two-faced. I just don't understand what his motives are.

Henry and I both couldn't say anything before Lorenzo did, "Your girlfriend, my daughter is to be married to Jackson Greyson," Lorenzo told him casually. Like, can he not tell how much this boy is in love with Octavia? Does Lorenzo think that Evangelos wasn't going to be upset or well, angry as he should be?

After Lorenzo exposed the secret everyone excluding me, Lorenzo and Henry immediately stood up shouting things along the lines of asking what he was talking about.

"Octavia didn't know, she knows when I'm hiding something, and as she usually does she gave me two weeks to either deal with it or tell her before she finds out herself. It's been two weeks and I'm sure she found the contract," I explain mainly looking at Evangelos. "You should have told us," Oliver said before he and Zelda stormed out.

"Why wouldn't she tell me? Why did they just leave?" Evangelos asks, directing the second question toward me and Henry. "She left because as she said in the letter, she doesn't want to hurt anyone, when those two get angry it's already hard enough to calm one of them down but when their together they thrive on one another's anger and they have hurt a lot of people," I explain his first question and let Henry answer the second question.

"They just left without saying anything because she knew you would stop her if they did and Maxim mostly explained everything. But if she left you a note then you must mean a lot to her she never leaves us notes or tells us when she'll be back," Henry tells him sympathetically.

"My brothers and I should go back home, we have school and work. Send us anything we can do to help," one of the Romano brothers says before the rest get up and leave.

I don't know if he was being genuine or not and really I don't care.



After everything went down in the kitchen I just went back to Via's room. I throw off my shoes and get into her bed, getting my laptop to remotely finish some paperwork. It smells like her. Well obviously, it's her room and her bed.

As much as I tried to focus and work, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Is she safe? Is she okay? Is she actually considering marrying him? I'm sure she loves me as much as I love her. Henry said she never leaves anyone a note and she left me one, that shows she cares right?

I can't help but hate Jackson right now. I know this isn't his fault but he is the one that knows where she is, who is with her right now, he is the guy that she is to marry. What if there aren't any loopholes in the contract so no one will have to marry anyone?

I admit I'm scared she will give up on us and I'm sure she wouldn't. Okay, I am done thinking like this, I am gonna figure this out. I rush downstairs to the kitchen to see no one there and no one was in the living room so I start checking the rooms.

After rounding up Oliver, Alexander, River, and Zelda, I rush everyone back downstairs and sit everyone down in the living room. "Dude, first of all, chill and second of all what are we doing here?" Zelda said slowly. They probably do think I'm acting strange right now.

After explaining what I'm trying to do which is finding some sort of loophole in the contract, they agreed and we immediately started working. I can't just not do anything to get her out of this.

I just hope we can find something and she doesn't leave me again. I love her despite our age difference and how quickly we've been moving with our relationship.

Everyone has been reading this contract over and over in hopes to find something but still no luck. Maxim and Henry walk in together with a look of confusion on their faces when they see us. I guess they didn't think we would actually all work together as soon as we found out.

"We'll help," Henry says, sitting down on the sofa and starts reading off Oliver's computer.

And this is how we spent the next week, reading the same thing repeatedly and talking about different ideas. Lorenzo though, he has barely been around us at all.

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